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Shuffle Fail: Fixing my car stereo with code!

James Turner on December 28, 2018

Background I have a 40-ish minute commute to work and love blasting music in my car (sorry if you were in the car next to me). I bought ...
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Phil Ashby

Nice workaround :)

Did you consider re-ordering the directory entries, rather than bulk copying many GB to the USB? Assuming it's FAT, then it's well documented.. should still be easier than reversing the car radio!

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James Turner

Nope, I didn't consider doing that though it would be a lot more efficient! My method does take a several minutes to run currently where really I am only wanting to shuffle my music and sync any new music to it.

I haven't tried to play with a file system at a lower level like that before though now that you've brought it up, the thought does intrigue me and maybe I'll do a followup post if I do it. :)

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Phil Ashby

Actually it occurs to me that plain old renaming should do the trick - move (aka rename) to a temporary folder, then move back in desired order - this re-writes the directory, no special knowledge required :)

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James Turner

Yeah, the title is a little disingenuous. While it would totally be interesting to work out how to modify the embedded code (and maybe I will at some point just for fun), what I came up with got me close enough to my goal that I didn't try to pursue other options.

Hopefully it was a somewhat interesting article nonetheless 🙂