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5th week in

Being more involved:

I've been trying to be more involved in reading up people's work and reviewing PRs. I started out by testing the PR, reading the code and commented any questions I had, as Dave said it's also about spreading knowledge. It was challenging because some PRs can take long to read and understand but I did learn more especially with Duke's PRs regarding Supabase 2844 but couldn't leave any advice. Meanwhile, with less intensive PRs, I learned as I go and I actually helped clear around 7 PRs, wow.

Fixing Renovate bot not opening PRs:

I was assigned to fix Renovate bot not creating PRs. At first, I didn't know much about this bot, but I'm used to these situations, I just started reading up on it and the log. It took a while, but eventually I found this section in the Renovate Docs, it says that

Limit to a maximum of x concurrent branches. 0 means no limit, null (default) inherits value from prConcurrentLimit.

While the log says

DEBUG: Reached branch limit - skipping branch creation(branch="renovate/fontsource-monorepo")

I suspected that there was a branch created by Renovate, and somehow it didn't get merged. And yes, I deleted that branch, Renovate started working again. However, there's still an issue with this bot, I have an idea how to fix it, will attempt it soon.

Parser service again 😅:

I've been gradually fixing parser service, it seems like there is some unnecessary code in it because I literally copied from backend. It seems like backend does expose a few routes in the web folder, I need to bring this up to Dave and Josue to understand what is expected from this service (does it expose any routes or does it simply just process feeds?), it affects the tests I'm writing. By the way, I came up with some ideas for e2e tests, I'm gonna finalize my thoughts first before bringing this up to people as well.

A list of things I've learnt:

  • The differences between next() and done()
  • PostgreSQL: Row level security, seed script, cascade delete
  • How JWT is gonna be used in telescope (need to wrap my head around this)
  • Dependency-discovery service (how it works)

What's down the road:

  • Sheriff this week
  • Helping Jerry with Dependency-discovery service, he got me interested in this
  • Making parser work (it seems like more work than I anticipated)
  • Writing tests for parser (in progress)
  • Dockerize parser
  • Changing parser so that we can work with Supabase
  • Twitch integration

Top comments (3)

amasianalbandian profile image

What is done() ?? :)

tuenguyen2911_67 profile image

It's the callback for passport.js, it's like next() but not quite :)

amasianalbandian profile image

this is like complete()! I learned about this today. :)