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Aravind kumar TS
Aravind kumar TS

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Azure on the pipeline

Subscription - When we create an account in Azure portal. We get a unique identity known as Subscription ID. This gets created automatically. This is used for billing purposes. An account can have more than one subscription.

Management group - The Subscription Ids can be grouped together by Management group. The policies, access control, compliance of the resources in an account is managed by this Management group

Resource group - Prior creating any resource in Azure portal we create a resource group, this can be done via portal's GUI,Azure CLI, or Cloud Shell. Under resource group the resources will get created. To identify a resource we can directly type the resource group name in the search bar.

Azure Storage Types -

1.Managed Disks - Block level storage used to be attached to Virtual Machine or Vmware. Available in SSD, HDD.
2.Azure Blob storage - This is a object storage, used for applications that requires high speed and availability.
3.Azure Queue Storage -This stores message queues, this is mainly used for web application data.
4.File Storage - This is a file level server managed by Azure, used to share data files. Available for both onpremise as well azure cloud servers. This is a SMB file share.
Table Storage - This storage stores the data in tables, the datas are structured data, this is nosql. This is managed by Azure the user or customer need not bother about the maintenance of the database.

Azure Pricing calculator -

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