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Trinmar Boado
Trinmar Boado

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Data Transformation Magic: Simplify Complex Data with Remap.JS!

Data mapping can be a challenging and complex task, especially when dealing with nested data structures, arrays, and deeply nested objects. In scenarios where you need to restructure or transform data from one format to another, the complexity can quickly become overwhelming. This is where the Remap.JS library comes to the rescue.

Remap.JS Library Tutorial

The Remap.JS library is a versatile JavaScript utility that simplifies data transformation, making it suitable for a wide range of use cases. In this tutorial, we'll explore how to use the library to remap and notate data, allowing you to transform complex data structures easily.

Table of Contents


To get started with the Remap.JS library, you'll need to install it into your project. You can install it using npm or yarn:

npm install @trinly01/remap.js
# or
yarn add @trinly01/remap.js
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Once the library is installed, you can import it into your JavaScript file.

import { remap, notate } from '@trinly01/remap.js';
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Remap Function

The remap function allows you to transform an array of objects into a new array with the mapped data according to the specified key mapping configuration. It's a powerful tool for simplifying complex data structures.


const transformedData = remap(sourceArray, keyMap);
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  • sourceArray (Array): The array of source objects to remap.
  • keyMap (Object): The key mapping configuration defining how to map the source data to the destination object.

Notate Function

The notate function is used to create and assign values to objects with specific key notations. It's highly flexible and adaptable for various use cases.


notate(notation, value, result);
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  • notation (String or Object): The key notation in the destination object. If it's an object, you can set multiple values at once. If it's a single path notation (string), the value parameter is required.
  • value (Any): The value to assign to the destination object. Required when notation is a single path notation (string).
  • result (Object, optional): The result object where the data will be assigned.

Tutorial Example

Let's put the Remap.JS library to use with a simple example:

import { remap, notate } from '@trinly01/remap.js';

const sourceArray = [
    id: 1,
    name: 'John Doe',
    contact: {
      email: '',
      phone: '123-456-7890',
  // Add more source data objects here

const keyMap = {
  '': 'id',
  '': 'name',
  '': '',
  '': '',

// Remap the source data
const transformedData = remap(sourceArray, keyMap);

console.log('Transformed Data:\n', transformedData);

// Notate single values
const result = {};
notate('', 1, result);
notate('', 'John Doe', result);
notate('', '', result);
notate('', '123-456-7890', result);

console.log('Result after notating single values:\n', result);

// Notate multiple values using an object
const obj = {};
const multipleValues = {
  '': 1,
  '': 'John Doe',
  '': '',
  '': '123-456-7890',

notate(multipleValues, obj);

console.log('Result after notating multiple values:\n', obj);
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This example demonstrates how to use the Remap.JS library to remap and notate data, making data transformation tasks simpler and more flexible.

That's it! You've learned how to use the Remap.JS library to streamline data transformation and notating. This versatile utility can be a valuable asset in various data manipulation tasks.

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