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New(er) to coding and I LOVE IT.

Hey y'all! My name is Tyler and my coding journey has just begun. I had taken a Computer Science course in college back in 2018 and I didn't think much of it at first. Years flew by, and it seemed all roads led back to Computer Science. I love the field and truly fall more in love with it every day.

First, Being the Newbie that I am I wanted to put myself out there and say that I am a true beginner. I am more than excited to go on this incredible journey and but more excited to be apart of such a supportive and collaborative community.

Second, I would love to hear how you got into Computer Science, Why are you pursuing CS? What led you to CS? Did you hate it or love it at first? What do you do now?

I know I'm not the only Newbie out there. Know you aren't alone and I am right there with you. Thanks for the read :)

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