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On Resilience

This is a story about Resilience. Well two stories.

Merriam-webster defines Resilience as
Dictionary meaning of resilience

This is one skill I reckon we all need to push through within the space of Professional Development. I recently built something that I thought would provide value within the organisation that funds my lifestyle (My Employer). Unfortunately, I was building it in a silo, so it solved a problem but not the problem the company was in need of.

For me to build that solution, It required me learning some skills within Backend Engineering like Web servers, Databases and stuff along that route. (see what I did there 🤭)

Being a beginner into backend development, I believe a platform like HNG would give me an environment to apply those backend skills I picked and allow me to pick up some more alongside other talented developers

Unfortunately this is not my first attempt at HNG, I previously took a stab at it, but couldn't keep up with the demands of the program. The thing about HNG is that you give up only if you don't try.

This is another attempt at resilience.

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