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Cover image for The Ultimate Open Source Starter Kit
Travis Ramos
Travis Ramos

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The Ultimate Open Source Starter Kit

This is a submission for the Neon Open Source Starter Kit Challenge : Ultimate Starter Kit

My Kit

My starter kit is built using:

  • for the PostgreSQL Database (Serverless Version)
  • Next.js (App Router)
  • Lucia Auth for Authentication
  • Light / Dark Mode
  • Bun
  • Vercel for Hosting
  • ShadCN for UI Components
  • Tailwind CSS for Styling
  • Typescript

I developed this starter kit to provide a hassle-free foundation for launching your SaaS quickly. All you need to do is customize the styling. It also includes a blog feature integrated with MDX for seamless content management.

Link to Kit

You can find the repository here! Just click the button that says "Use this template" and take a look at the to get started!

Your Journey

I chose this stack, centered around, because it offers a modern, scalable solution that aligns with the needs of today's developers.'s serverless Postgres database provides a robust backend while maintaining flexibility and efficiency. I also chose to use Next.js since it brings versatility and efficiency to the frontend with its hybrid static and server-side rendering capabilities.

Throughout this process, I gained a deeper understanding of serverless architecture and just how easy it is to get up and running with and Next.js.

I hope you enjoy this starter kit and I can't wait to see what you build!

If you have any questions reach out to me on X!

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