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Montana Mendy for Travis CI

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The Cookbook: Getting started with R

Some of the most downloaded R packages are built on Travis CI. In this cookbook, you'll see how easy it just is to setup Travis CI in an existing R project.

Getting started with R

Let's assume you have a file called basic_operations.R, and it reads something like this:

add <- function(a, b){
  result <- a + b

subtract <- function(a, b){
  result <- a - b

divide <- function(numerator, denominator){
  if(denominator == 0){
  else {
    result <- numerator / denominator
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Implementing Travis CI

Now, you want to have automated testing. Thankfully there's Travis CI! Let's start off with the .travis.yml file:

language: R
cache: packages
warnings_are_errors: false
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Unit Tests

For unit tests, we want to use something called testthat. Let's say we named our whole project sampleR. Your initial testthat.R file would look similar to this:


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In your tests directory, you'll notice /tests/testthat and let's say you have a file in there entitled test-basic_operations.R, and it goes as follows:

test_that("addition works", {

  a <- runif(1)
  b <- runif(1)

  expect_equal(a + b, add(a, b))

  a <- -1 * runif(1)
  b <- runif(1)

  expect_equal(a + b, add(a, b))

test_that("subtraction works", {

  a <- runif(1)
  b <- runif(1)

  expect_equal(a - b, subtract(a, b))

  a <- -1 * runif(1)
  b <- runif(1)

  expect_equal(a - b, subtract(a, b))

test_that("division errors if zero", {
  expect_error(divide(1, 0), "Nah")

test_that("division works", {

  a <- runif(1)
  b <- runif(1)

  expect_equal(a / b, divide(a, b))

  a <- -1 * runif(1)
  b <- runif(1)

  expect_equal(a / b, divide(a, b))
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You can see in this unit test, we are testing if division, addition, and subtraction passes the unit test.

Finishing up

At this point, you're all set, and ready for your R project to build. Last but not least, there are alternative ways to get packages when building out your .travis.yml. For example if I wanted to get packages from GitHub, it would look something like this:

r_github_packages: r-lib/testthat
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The other alternative is to use CRAN. This is how it would look grabbing your package from CRAN:

  - testthat
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Slight variants, but just different methods on getting the same package. It just comes down to your own approach and method.

Top comments (2)

bsgreenb profile image
Ben Greenberg 🧢

I've been following Montana Mendy's posts intensely, simply because he's a friend / trendsetter (friendsetter?) in the programming community.

I will continue reading his articles until either bans him like Mission CHeese, or he decides to start a personal blog. But I imagine regardless he's going to be syndicating, so good job on this helpful Stats Article [everyone needs stats]..

Thanks Mendy! Learning with each blogpost and shows high technicality/precision.

montana profile image
Montana Mendy

Thank you Ben!!