DEV Community

Tor Francis
Tor Francis

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New Journey Starts Here

Hi, welcome to my page. I never made a blog before , but this is one of many firsts for me!

My name is Tor (like Thor without the h) and I live in Philadelphia, PA. I've lived in the city for about 8 years now and I've come to call it my home.

I have the typical story of getting a 4 year degree in something I didn't have a passion for, I come from a background in sales.

Last month I made a big change in my life by deciding to change career's into web development. I decided to attend Flatiron School about a lot of research into what I wanted out of a school.

I don't regret it one bit! I've always thought programing was interesting ,but never chased it. I always thought that I was "too hard" or "I'm not smart enough" to do it. After some dabbling with some free resources and a few student loans later, I realized that it's not as hard as I thought it was.

In the month that I've been in the program, I learned that the reason I thought it was too hard was because of my mindset. Once I learned how the program would think, It made a lot more sense when I tried applying what I learn.

Thanks for reading my blog! I look forward to posting more along my journey.

Top comments (2)

leomujo profile image

Hello Tor! Welcome to this new world related to software development. I studied 3 years of a law degree, and I'm here doing the same as you.

Hope to see news about you, best wishes in this special journey.

torfrancis447 profile image
Tor Francis

Thanks you, that awesome!