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Guy Torbet
Guy Torbet

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The Most Valuable Trait in 2021

The word "amateur" has many connotations, beginner, inexperienced, but to me, it’s someone who is doing something for the love of it, and not seeking fame or recognition in return. That’s a huge advantage amateurs have over professionals. They aren’t afraid of experimenting, making mistakes, trying something new. Pick something you WANT to learn, and allow it to consume you.

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When someone feels genuinely passionate about what they are doing, the overall final outcome, be that an article or product, that they produce is often far superior to those of people who focus solely on said outcome. In essence, focus on the journey, not the destination.

Think back to school, for me, it's not that far back. Think about a subject you disliked, hated, or at least didn't enjoy, and how much effort and turmoil it took to study and learn that subject, purely for the exam grade that came at the end of the year. Now think about your hobby, your passion; you can easily sink hundreds of hours researching and learning about it, why? because it peaks your curiosity.

In my experience, being curious is the single most defining trait that I see in myself and others. It allows you to be comfortable with the unknown and inspires you to understand that which you don't already.

Why Curiosity Is The BEST

The past 100 years did not reward curiosity. Traditional schools, corporations, and churches didn’t just deter open inquiry and experimentation—they feared it. Instead, they rewarded emulation. Any sort of innovation or questioning was limited to a few people at the very tippy top of the food chain, with everyone else expected to be a good little worker bee.

But the internet has inverted this. Today, it seems that it's the ones who fail to experiment, innovate, or challenge who get left behind....

It doesn’t matter what you are trying to become better at, if you only do the work when you’re "motivated", then you’ll never be consistent enough to become a professional. I've realised, that motivation is a product of action, if you get stared on a project/ task/ job, you will quickly become motivated to keep going, and to do better. The ability to show up everyday, stick to the schedule, and do the work — especially when you don’t feel like it — is so valuable that it is literally all you need to become better 99% of the time.

When I don’t miss workouts, I get in the best shape of my life. When I code every day, I become a better programmer. When I write every week, I become a better writer. Having the fundamental enjoyment that comes with being an amateur, and the determination and drive that comes with being curious about what you're doing, catalyses this effect 10 fold.

Despite some people in powers opinion, most of the time, you can and should monetize your hobbies. If you enjoy it, you're gonna be a good at it, and whatever you're good at will have a value associated with it! Put yourself out there, share what you are working on, and who knows: one day it might set you free!

Top comments (3)

egydes profile image
Husien adel

thanks for that great article , no doubts that motivation and doing what you love is great but with time your light be weak so my question , How we keep going and save our motivation always with some thing we like for example learning JS is great but hard with time ?

torbet profile image
Guy Torbet

Thanks! Glad you liked it!
I wouldn't say that you should 'save' your motivation, or wait on it to act. I like to tell myself that I'm "only going to work for 10 mins", but often by the time that's up, I'm so engrossed in what I'm doing that I keep going! There is no substitute to just starting and getting shit done!

In terms of learning a new language, like JS, projects projects projects. Think of something you want to make, and google and problem solve until you make it, great coders never became great by watching a YouTube video called "how to get great at coding"! Sit down, get to work, and you'll get there with plenty of time to spare!

torbet profile image
Guy Torbet

Thank you! It's often hard to find a good mix between development and productivity but am trying to find my niche! It's messages like this that make the community so great ☺️