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Design Patterns in JavaScript: A Comprehensive Guide

Tope Fasasi on December 25, 2023

JavaScript, with its widespread adoption and versatility, has become a cornerstone of modern web development. As you delve deeper into JavaScript d...
framemuse profile image
Valery Zinchenko

That's not just JS patterns, it's widely known Gang of Four Patterns.

If you want to know more about Software Design:
Comprehensive read about System design patterns:

There is only one downgrade in Wikipedia, the language may be complicated to understand.

raydot profile image

I came here to say this exact same thing. These are the typical GoF patterns.

db325 profile image

Thank you, this found me right in time. I live the way you break down reach pattern and explain the use case asking with the example. This is by far one of the most helpful articles I've read all year!

megathiago profile image
Thiago Marques

The example of Bridge Pattern is not printing the colors as expected.

pirueto2004 profile image

I resolved this by invoking the getColor() method for each Color class implementor object:

const redColor = new RedColor().getColor();
const redCircle = new Circle(redColor);
redCircle.draw(); // Output: "Drawing a red circle"

const blueColor = new BlueColor().getColor();
const blueSquare = new Square(blueColor);
blueSquare.draw(); // Output: "Drawing a blue square"

jedwards1211 profile image
Andy Edwards • Edited

The singleton example isn’t very idiomatic JS if you ask me…it seems like you were thinking within the conventions of some other language you’re experienced in rather than a natural way of doing things in JS. Two calls to new returning the same object is very very unusual behavior, thus a nasty surprise. JS programmers I know just export a const, or a getter function that returns the same value.

dev_geos profile image
Dev Geos

I also found this strange but good to know as possibility.

alex_at_dev profile image

As already pointed out, these are GoF or general OOP patterns. What I would also like to point out, that -at least for me- this ist not how you would solve the underlying problems in JS / TS, as it's not inherently an OOP language, but a prototype-based language with first-class functions, it's unique way of what you can do with objects and the way the module-system works. For example:

Singleton Pattern
Moules are effectively singletons, so no need to use any other pattern

// module.js
let foo = 'bar';
const singleton = {
  logFoo: () => console.log(foo),

export const singleton;

// main.js
import {singleton} from './module.js' = 'baz'; // changed for all uses of "singleton"
singleton.logFoo() // -> 'baz'

// main2.js
import {singleton} from './module.js'
singleton.logFoo() // -> 'baz'

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Generally I rarely use classes at all, instead I usually use (typed) objects. My favorite example is the Command pattern.

Command Pattern
This example also uses TypeScript to make sure a command always looks the same. You could also use it with vanilla JS and manually assert command objects always having the same fields. I also added a simple logic to implement undoing commands which in my opinion is one of the biggest real-world strengths / use-cases of this pattern.

type UndoFn<T> = (args: T) => void;

interface Command<T> {
  execute: (args: T) => UndoFn<T>;

const logMessageCmd: Command<string> = {
  execute: (msg) => {
    console.log('Message:', msg);
    return () => console.log('Revoked message', msg);

const undo = logMessageCmd.execute('Hello World'); // -> 'Message: Hello World'
undo(); // 'Revoked message: Hello World'

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natescode profile image
Nathan Hedglin

Seems like a copy paste from other articles.

"Mediator patterns are a type of behavioral design pattern that define an object that acts as a central hub for coordinating the interactions between a group of objects. The mediator encapsulates the logic and rules for how the objects should communicate, and reduces the coupling between them. The objects only need to know about the mediator, and not about each other. This simplifies the object interfaces and promotes modularity and reusability."

summanerd profile image
Mauricia Ragland • Edited

Great article. I've been doing this for so long that sometimes I forget which patterns I'm using.

The Colleague class in the Mediator example does not look like it will work if colleague2 sends a message.

Your mediator would benefit from a generic send that can determine which objects receive the message:

class Mediator {
    sendMessage(message, sender) {
        for (const colleague of this.colleagues) {
            if (colleague !== sender) {
class Colleague {
    send(message) {
        this.mediator.sendMessage(message, this);
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Thanks for this post!

iamrommel profile image
Rommel C. Manalo • Edited

The title "JS Design Patterns" is misleading, it is not specific to JS. Most programming language that uses OOP can do that. You just write the example in JS.

I think it better to title as Design Patterns with JS examples..

raibtoffoletto profile image
Raí B. Toffoletto

And... you can achieve all of those without using the word CLASS in JS. 😉

bridgerbrowndev profile image
Bridger Brown

Thats a lot of patterns to read, bookmarking lol

changwoolab profile image
Changwoo Yoo

I'm not sure but it seems like using ChatGPT to write this article 😂

wakywayne profile image

Why does he not need to call super() in the bridge patter example?

codepraycode profile image

Thank you for this

wakywayne profile image

God tier article

dev_geos profile image
Dev Geos

I found your post useful even if using of some models is not recommended in JS.
Thanks ! :)

james0r profile image
James Auble

Like all too often on, I think the comments of this article are more helpful and educational than the article itself.

vanbeonhv profile image

I don't think using js class as example for design pattern is a good thing.
after taking a glance at first example. I think I can't get it and apply to my current work