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16 Features That Can Make Your On-Demand Tutor Apps Stand Out in Post-COVID Era

The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly changed our lives, especially how kids learn. Because of the virus, schools had to close, and no one knows when they'll open like before. This made learning from home through the Internet very important.

Lots of families and their kids had to get used to new ways of learning from home. Even though some places are thinking about opening schools again, it's risky and might not happen soon.

With schools closed, online classes and learning with someone over the Internet (we call this "online tutoring") have become really popular. Because of this, more people are asking about making apps for online tutoring.

Before the virus, there was already a big market for online tutoring, especially for kindergarten through 12th grade kids. This market made $600 million in 2019 and grew 5x in 2023. Experts also think that this kind of learning could grow by $8.37 billion by 2026.

So, if you're thinking about creating an app for tutoring kids online or if you've already started making one, this blog is for you! We're going to talk about what things are good to have in a tutoring app now that COVID-19 has changed how we live.

To help everyone understand better, we've made a list of questions and answers (an FAQ) that talks about online tutoring apps. This is for teachers, people who want to start businesses, or parents who want to understand more. We hope this simple guide answers your questions and shows why these apps are important for learning now and in the future!

Top 16 Features for Your On-Demand Tutor App

Here are 16 features that can set your app apart in the post-COVID era:

1. Easy Sign-In: Nobody likes complicated sign-up forms that take forever to fill out. Use a one-step sign-in process, maybe through existing social media accounts like Facebook or Google, to ensure a user-friendly experience right from the start.

2. Smart Search: Once inside the app, users want to find what they need without hassle. A smart search feature that understands even the mistyped keywords is essential. Think of it as a librarian who knows what you're looking for, even if you don't say it perfectly.

3. Highlighted Courses: Showcase your top courses right on the homepage. It's like a restaurant displaying its best dishes; it attracts people and gives them a clear idea of what they can expect.

4. Personal Dashboard: Everyone likes a personal touch. A dashboard that tracks and reflects a student's progress, suggests courses based on interests and purchase history and keeps them engaged with personalized recommendations is like a friendly guide through their educational journey.

5. Save and Resume: Life is full of interruptions, but learning doesn't have to be. Features that allow students to save their progress and pick up where they left off are crucial for a modern on-demand tutor app.

6. Offline Access: Not everyone has constant internet access. An app that allows content to be downloaded and accessed offline ensures that learning is not hampered by poor connectivity.

7. Interactive Quizzes: Learning should be fun! Gamified quizzes and interactive assessments can keep students engaged and make absorbing information feel less like work and more like play.

8. Session Notes and Transcripts: Allow students to download session transcripts and notes. It's like giving them a safety net, ensuring they can focus on the lesson without worrying about missing out on critical points.

9. Instructor Logs: Keep the human touch alive with features that allow for live interactions, discussions, and feedback from instructors. It adds accountability and a personal touch, enhancing the learning experience.

10. Customized Learning Plans: Everyone learns differently. Having customized learning plans that adapt to a student's strengths and weaknesses can make education more effective and fulfilling.

11. Q&A Boards: Curiosity shouldn't have to wait. Having a space where students can post questions and get timely responses encourages active learning and continuous engagement.

12. Timely Notifications: Use alerts and notifications wisely to keep students informed about upcoming classes, new courses, or unfinished lessons. But remember, nobody likes spammy apps!

13. Group Learning: Sometimes, we learn better together. Features that support group study sessions, discussions, and collaborative learning can enhance understanding and make students feel part of a community.

14. Multi-Device Support: People switch between devices. Ensure your app works seamlessly across all of them, providing a consistent and hassle-free experience.

15. TV Streaming: Why not turn a study session into a family activity? Enabling your app to stream sessions on TV screens can make learning more enjoyable and inclusive.

16. In-App Chat: Sometimes, students have quick questions or need clarification. An in-app chat provides a direct line to their tutors, fostering better communication and understanding.

FAQ: Navigating the Future of On-Demand Tutoring Apps Post-COVID

Why are tutoring apps more popular after COVID-19?

After COVID-19, many students and teachers got used to learning and teaching online. Tutoring apps are helpful because students can use them from anywhere and offer a way of learning that fits each student's pace and style.
Are tutoring apps as good as learning in a classroom?

Tutoring apps can be a great addition to classroom learning. They offer fun activities, tests, and live chats with tutors, so students can get involved in their learning. Also, students can learn whenever they want, even going back to topics they find hard, which isn't always easy in a classroom.
What cool stuff should a tutoring app have?
A good tutoring app should let you:
● Find topics easily.
● Have fun while learning with quizzes or games.
● Keep track of your progress.
● Use the app on different devices like tablets or phones.
● Learn even when you're offline.
● Study with friends.
● Review past lessons.
● Ask questions and get quick answers.
Are tutoring apps safe for kids to use?

Safety is super important. Good tutoring apps keep your information private and safe. They make sure your data isn't shared with anyone you don't want it to be. Plus, they let you choose what other people can see about you.
Can tutoring apps be used with regular schoolwork?

Yes, definitely! Tutoring apps help with homework, give extra practice on tough stuff, and explain things that might not have been clear in class. They greatly help continuous learning, even when you're not at school.
Is it a good idea to spend money on building a tutoring app?

Tutoring apps are a smart area to invest money in because more people are using digital ways of learning. Building an app can cost different amounts based on what features it has, but with more people using these apps, there's a good chance of earning that money back.

How do tutoring apps keep students interested?

Tutoring apps keep learning fun and interactive. They use games, quizzes, and rewards to keep students excited about learning. Students can set goals, achieve them, and feel proud of their progress.


To sum it up, tutoring apps you can use anytime change how we learn. Because of the pandemic, we all saw how useful online learning can be. But now we know it's not just something we need during tough times. It's actually a great way to learn anytime.

For these apps to work well, they need to be easy to use, offer lessons that feel like they're just for you, and have really good information. If you're considering creating an app, remember it's more than just digital homework. It should be fun interactive, and make students want to come back.

Right now, there's a big chance for people with new ideas to jump in. If you've got an idea that could make learning better for everyone, this is your moment. You could help create something where students all over the world can learn easier and faster, right from their phones or computers. So, don't wait. Now's the time to start making your cool idea come to life!

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