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Tom J.
Tom J.

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What actually is a “quality” of a product or a service?


What actually is a “quality” of a product or a service?

A single list of criteria? No, not that. Every category of products is different.

A list for each category? Maybe - but then it's filled with vague phrases like "well-built" that tells you nothing specific.

No, it's way more contextual. It has to be. There's a saying: you can't please everyone. And it's true. For one person, a metal casing on a phone screams "well-built"; for someone else, it's too heavy, unusable, and therefore low quality. You can argue all day until you realize the other person doesn't give a damn about the device's longevity.

As the owner of a B2B company specializing in digital products like websites and apps, I can tell you that what "high quality" means differs from client to client - even from project to project.

Quality is a perception, not an absolute truth.

Quality as a Perception, not an Objective Truth

It's not some universal standard etched in stone. Quality is subjective - shaped by individual preferences, needs, and contexts. What one person considers top-notch might be mediocre or even garbage to someone else.

The Metal Phone Casing Debate

Take the metal casing on a phone:

  • Person A thinks it's the epitome of durability and premium feel.
  • Person B finds it heavy and cumbersome, preferring lightweight plastic instead.

Who's right? Both of them. Quality isn't one-size-fits-all.

The Role of Context in Defining Quality

Let's dive into some real-world examples to show how context shapes the definition of quality.

Client Scenario 1: The Startup Sprint

Client A is a startup itching to launch a new product ASAP. They need a simple one-page website to announce their presence, showcase the product, and capture some leads. Time is of the essence - they wanted the site up yesterday. The goal is to lead there press people.

For them, "quality" means:

  • Speed of Delivery: The faster, the better.
  • Essential Functionality: Clear messaging, a compelling call-to-action, and a contact form.
  • Simplicity: No fluff, no unnecessary pages or features.

Spending weeks on SEO optimization or adding complex features isn't just unnecessary; it's downright counterproductive. Quality here is delivering exactly what they need, as fast as possible.

Client Scenario 2: The E-Commerce Expansion

Client B is an established retailer jumping into e-commerce. They need a robust online store with all the bells and whistles - product catalogs, shopping carts, payment gateways, user accounts, you name it. They also want killer SEO to stand out in a saturated market. The goal is to gain traction in new space, attract new recurring sales.

For them, "quality" includes:

  • Comprehensive Features: Full e-commerce functionality.
  • Security: Protecting customer data and transactions.
  • Scalability: Handling high traffic and future growth.
  • SEO Optimization: To boost visibility and attract customers.

Here, taking the time to build a complex, feature-rich site isn't just acceptable; it's expected. Rushing this project would actually compromise quality.

The Common Thread

BUT both websites need to be:

  • Snappy and Responsive: Nobody likes a sluggish site - not press people, not customers.
  • Secure and anti-spam: Protecting data and against unwanted e-mails isn't optional.
  • Visible Online: Basic SEO so people can actually find them by name at least - businesses are most often searched by name, not a long-tailed SEO keyphrase.
  • Social Media Friendly: Accessible through platforms like Facebook and X (formerly Twitter).

These unspoken requirements are part of the baseline. Clients might not spell them out, but they damn well expect them (and they don’t even know it).
Of course, these are valid for the examples. If we work on, let’s say internal systems, public visibility and SEO goes directly against those. So again - not universal.

The Importance of Understanding Unspoken Needs

Here's the kicker: Clients usually don't know what they don't know. It's on us to read between the lines and understand what the unknowns are. Afterall - it’s on you to deliver high-quality, not on client to ask for it.

Reading Between the Lines

Clients may:

  • Be Unaware of Requirements: They might not realize they need certain features.
  • Have Hidden Priorities: They emphasize one thing but truly care about another. Trust me, it happens more than you'd think.
  • Change Their Minds: As the project evolves, so do their needs—often right in the middle of development.

All these factors influence how they'll perceive the quality of your work.

Effective Communication

  • Ask Questions: Dive deep to understand their goals. And for the love of all that's holy, skip the jargon. If you get any response on your jargon, it'll be uninformed at best.
  • Active Listening: Pay attention not just to what's said but how it's said. Notice the difference between a genuine requirement and something they mention because they think they're supposed to.
  • Clarify Expectations: Make sure you're on the same page. This is your chance to manage how the client will perceive the final product. Explain why that blinking red text isn't a great idea, and they'll probably forget they ever wanted it.

Industry Guidelines and Flexibility

Industry guidelines and best practices are crucial - take them as the foundation for delivering quality products. But let's not get stuck in the weeds.

Why Guidelines Matter

  • Consistency: Provides a uniform user experience across similar products.
  • Compliance: Meets legal and ethical standards, like accessibility requirements.
  • Efficiency: Uses proven methods to streamline development.

But Context Is King

Blindly following every guideline without considering the project's context can lead to inefficiencies and wasted resources.

  • Prioritization: Not all guidelines carry the same weight for every project.
  • Client Needs: Focus on what the client actually values.
  • Resource Allocation: Time and budget are finite—spend them where they'll have the most impact.

For instance, adhering to the latest web accessibility standards is crucial for a government website, but creating a high-contrast theme for an internal tool used by a small team? Nobody will care, nobody will use it, everybody forgets it 3.5 minutes after you finish the training and it won’t contribute to a quality even though you spent a week on it.

Handling External Criticism

"Haters gonna hate." But seriously, external parties might swoop in to criticize the project, pointing out "mistakes" without understanding the context or requirements. Even those invited by your client to verify the output.

Navigating the Minefield

When a third party is invited after the fact, it can throw a wrench in your client's perception of quality. Here's how to handle it:

  • Stay Involved: Be in contact with both parties. Don't expect your client to defend your work or their original requirements - they might not understand all the nuances.
  • Present Your Reasons: If you skipped a feature or chose a non-standard solution, have your justifications ready.
  • Shift Focus to Service: Turn the spotlight on your responsiveness and willingness to adapt. This may sound like a trick - it isn’t, it's good business.

By managing the situation proactively, you can maintain the perception of quality, even when criticisms arise.

Non-Negotiables in Ensuring Quality

While flexibility is key, some elements are non-negotiable if you want to deliver a high-quality product. Well, sorta, exceptions everywhere - but usually.

Identifying the Must-Haves (Examples from My Field)

  • Security Measures: Protecting data and privacy is critical. This includes spam control.
  • Basic Usability: Users should be able to navigate and use the product without a manual.
  • Legal Compliance: Meeting legal standards isn't optional.

Imagine you are in your client’s position and this happens

Imagine you're the client. One morning, your website is plastered with spam, foreign characters, and links to dubious sites. You're pissed, maybe even panicking. Suddenly, that website you thought was high-quality feels like an overpaid piece of crap. Of course your perception of the product and service and provider changes within literal seconds.

Let's be fair - no product is 100% secure or flawless. But from the client's perspective, none of that matters. They expect you to deliver something that works and keeps working.

Quality in B2B Relationships

In B2B, delivering the product is just the beginning.

Beyond the Deliverable

Your client will judge quality based on:

  • Product Performance: Does it do what it's supposed to?
  • Consistency: Does it keep doing what it's supposed to over time?
  • Communication: Are you responsive and helpful?
  • Issue Resolution: How do you handle problems when they arise?

The less your client has to worry about, the higher they'll perceive the quality to be. (Did I just get the perfect definition here?)

Our Approach to Quality at LINK-V

I can't give you a strict definition of what quality is - not even in a specific product category. It's a subjective feeling, shaped by countless factors.

Our Philosophy

At LINK-V, we believe:

It has to just work and we must be our clients at hand.

This means we keep an eye on the projects we release. Yes, it takes resources, but guess what? We have a lot of returning clients and extremely high retention rates. Clients rarely leave us for the competition.

When issues pop up - or if I didn't catch a change in needs soon enough - we put in the effort to resolve it, both technically and relationally. In the end, the client still perceives the product and our service as high-quality.

Quality Is a Package Deal

Product and service go hand in hand. Probably not just in B2B either. Customers are less likely to complain if their issues are dealt with swiftly and without a bunch of bureaucratic BS.


So, what is quality?

It's not a checklist or a set of universal standards. It's a perception - a subjective feeling influenced by context, client needs, and the relationships you build.

  • Understand Your Client: Dive deep into their needs, even the unspoken ones.
  • Use Guidelines Wisely: They're a foundation, not a prison.
  • Communicate Effectively: Manage expectations and guide the client's perception.
  • Focus on the Essentials: Don't skip (usually) the non-negotiables - they can make or break the perceived quality (mostly).
  • Build Relationships: A quality product backed by crappy service isn't going to cut it.
  • Be Strategic with Resources: Invest time and effort where it counts.

In the end, it's up to each of us to define and deliver quality in a way that resonates with our clients. Just remember, quality is as much about how you deliver as what you deliver.

And one more thing: Don't expect to deliver high quality if you're offering bargain-basement prices. Quality takes time, skill, and resources - and that doesn't come cheap. I am not even sure I know how to talk about quality if you offer cheaper development, cheaper products, that is probably a whole other topic.


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