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Tom Boyle
Tom Boyle

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Optimizing API Calls in Backend Integration: A Developer's Guide

When building modern applications, efficient backend integration is crucial. At the heart of this process are API calls, which facilitate communication between services, databases, and third-party platforms. However, poorly optimized API calls can lead to performance bottlenecks, increased latency, and higher server costs. In this article, I’ll cover essential strategies to optimize API calls for your backend, ensuring both performance and scalability.

Batch Requests Instead of Single Calls

In scenarios where you need to retrieve or send multiple pieces of data, it’s more efficient to batch requests together. Instead of sending multiple API requests one after another, you can group them into a single call. This reduces overhead and the number of round trips between the client and server.

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Let’s say you’re fetching user data and order information. Instead of making two API requests like this:

// Fetch user data

// Fetch order information
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You can create an endpoint that returns both pieces of data in a single request:

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By doing this, you minimize the number of HTTP connections and overall processing time, significantly boosting performance.

Cache Frequently Used Data

Caching is a powerful technique for reducing redundant API calls. If certain data doesn’t change frequently (like user settings or product information), storing the results in a cache can help avoid unnecessary requests to the server.

Common Caching Methods:
In-Memory Cache (e.g., Redis, Memcached): Great for fast, frequently accessed data.
HTTP Cache Headers: Utilize cache headers like ETag or Cache-Control to reduce redundant calls from the client.
Application-level Caching: Store data locally in your app’s memory for temporary reuse.

// Check if data exists in cache
let userData = cache.get('user_123');
if (!userData) {
  userData = await axios.get('/api/user/123');
  cache.set('user_123', userData);  // Cache the data for future use
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This way, you only make the API call if the data isn't already available in your cache.

Limit Payload Size

When dealing with large datasets, fetching too much information can slow down API performance and increase latency. Always aim to limit the amount of data returned by an API call using techniques like pagination, filtering, and selective field retrieval.


If you’re only interested in the name and email fields of a user, avoid fetching the entire user object:

// Inefficient API call returning the whole user object

// Optimized API call returning only selected fields
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Similarly, for large datasets, implement pagination to break down the data into manageable chunks.

// API call with pagination
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Asynchronous Processing and Parallel Requests

If your backend needs to make multiple API calls to complete a task, performing them asynchronously can save significant time. Instead of executing one API call and waiting for its response before making the next, fire off multiple API calls in parallel and handle them concurrently.


// Parallel API calls
const [userResponse, ordersResponse] = await Promise.all([
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By leveraging Promise.all, the two API calls are executed simultaneously, reducing total execution time.

Optimize API Request Frequency

It's important to ensure that your API calls are made only when necessary. Implement mechanisms like polling, webhooks, or server-sent events (SSE) to avoid frequent or unnecessary requests.

  • Polling is useful for checking for new data periodically, but if overused, it can lead to inefficient usage of resources. Be sure to increase the interval between requests when possible.
  • Webhooks provide a more efficient solution by having the server notify the client of events rather than having the client repeatedly request information.
  • SSE and WebSockets can be used for real-time data updates without repeatedly querying the API. #### Example: ###### Polling vs. Webhooks Polling:
// Polling every 5 seconds (not ideal for high-frequency updates)
setInterval(() => {
}, 5000);
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// Use a webhook to receive notifications in real time
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By switching to a webhook or SSE, you reduce unnecessary API calls and handle updates more efficiently.

Rate Limiting and Throttling

When making frequent API calls, especially to third-party services, always respect rate limits and use throttling to control the frequency of requests. Exceeding these limits can lead to errors, downtime, or even blacklisting by service providers.


To avoid hitting API rate limits, implement a rate limiter that queues or pauses requests when necessary:

const axiosRateLimit = require('axios-rate-limit');

// Create a rate-limited axios instance
const http = axiosRateLimit(axios.create(), { maxRPS: 5 });

// Will make at most 5 requests per second
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This ensures you don’t overwhelm the API server with too many requests at once.

Use Gzip Compression

If you’re sending or receiving large amounts of data over API requests, enable gzip compression to reduce payload size. Most modern APIs support this feature, and it can greatly improve performance, especially for APIs that handle large text-based data like JSON.


Enable gzip compression on your server by including this header in your request:

axios.get('/api/data', {
  headers: {
    'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip'
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On the server side, configure the API to compress responses.


Optimizing API calls in backend integration is essential for building scalable, fast, and cost-efficient applications. Whether you're batching requests, caching data, or implementing asynchronous operations, each step towards optimization will improve the overall performance of your system. By following these strategies, you can ensure smooth communication between your services while minimizing latency and resource usage.

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this post and want to dive deeper into backend development, API optimizations, and more, feel free to follow me on X. I regularly share tips, tutorials, and insights on web development and software engineering. Let’s continue the conversation and learn together!

Top comments (2)

teaganga profile image

Interesting, usually this is disregarded. Those are client optimizations, it would be interesting one post about how to optimize server side apis.

tomboyle profile image
Tom Boyle

Thank you for the feedback! You’re absolutely right—client-side optimizations are just one side of the equation. I’ll consider writing a follow-up post focusing on server-side API optimizations. Stay tuned!