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mssql under docker

Hello - first time post(er) - I have an old friend that I worked with 40 years ago in Manhattan that is now running a hosting service. He told me one of his clients has a need to do specific things to a database with a front end with a bunch of check boxes that will do all the DB things.

I told him it was a one week project at most and he disagreed thinking it was at least a 6 month project. To prove him wrong and that I have a bigger deleted I am to the point were I have a docker container with a mssql image running (a little harder than I though).

I am ready to load his 'sanitized' DB which is about useless. I'm looking for any gotchas since they are running this all under the OS that shall not be named.

He told me a URL would be fine so I am sure this can all be done with my humble ubuntu 22.04 machine.

I'm thinking of a script that will load a few thousand records and a good FE to give them a user interface.

From here I still feel that I am only a week away, but I said that a month ago. I'd love to finish it by Monday.

Any pointers or better yet, pitfalls to be aware of would be greatly appreciated and may even result in a payment of some sort (intentionally vague). Thanks in advance.


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