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Cover image for BombPrice for BombCrypto
Tomaz Pontes
Tomaz Pontes

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BombPrice for BombCrypto

In the past few days, I've been involved in the BombPrice project, where I integrated Opensea and Bcrypt APIs. The BombCrypto game, which was closed a few months ago, is about to reopen, but the game's NFTs on the Polygon network were facing metadata issues on Opensea. This resulted in the absence of images and data for the NFTs, displaying only their IDs. Accessing the NFTs details required navigating to the contract and verifying tokenDetails for both heroes and houses, a complex task, especially for people unfamiliar with the process.

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In this application, I use the Opensea API to display both heroes and houses listed on the platform, and the Bcrypt API to validate all data. Additionally, I implemented other functionalities, such as searching for NFTs in your wallet by simply providing the address, with no need for connection.

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An additional problem was the proliferation of scammers taking advantage of the lack of visual identification of NFTs. To combat this, I developed a functionality that allows users to verify if an NFT link on Opensea is genuine by providing relevant data.

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Due to these contributions, I was rewarded with a $500 transfer by the game developer, and the application has already had over 5,000 accesses.

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The application can be accessed at, and the repository is available at, containing the roadmap, list of features, and more information.

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