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I easily translated my React.js applications into multiple languages. Here is how... 🤯

Jan Cizmar on September 23, 2024

Translating an App to multiple languages (localization) is tricky part of many applications. Tolgee is simplifying the localization process and sa...
willjohn22 profile image

Great! I was looking for self-hosted alternative to Lokalise. This looks amazing, finished the tutorial in few minutes.

ferguson0121 profile image

Yeah, the Lokalise pricing is just ridiculous.

jancizmar profile image
Jan Cizmar


jancizmar profile image
Jan Cizmar

Thanks! 🚀

nevodavid profile image
Nevo David

Super cool, I am going to translate my app:
with it :)

jancizmar profile image
Jan Cizmar

Great! Just ask if you have any any questions! :)

samcurran12 profile image

Hey! Thanks for sharing this. Will go thru this tomorrow.

hdeyana profile image

It is great tool, been used for biggest streaming platform in Indonesia,

Kudos team tolgee

marketa_c profile image
Marketa Cizmar

that's awesome, thanks for sharing that! Excited that Tolgee is used in Indonesia

jancizmar profile image
Jan Cizmar

Thanks a lot!

debadyuti profile image

This is pretty cool. All the localization options are pretty expensive. Is this going to be available of Webflow or Wordpress or Framer at some point?

jancizmar profile image
Jan Cizmar

We are looking for ways how to integrate it to these. Framer is based on React, so this might be simple one. We have some ideas for Wordpress too. :) Stay tuned!

zack-123 profile image

Is it also possible to use it with Vue.js?

jancizmar profile image
Jan Cizmar

Hey! Yeah. Tolgee has also an integration to Vue.js.

zack-123 profile image

Awesome! I will test it on my project.

david-123 profile image

Looks neat, thanks for sharing

dawoodkarim profile image

Nice one! Localization was always kind of pain for me and Tolgee looks promising.

jancizmar profile image
Jan Cizmar

Thanks a lot!

steven0121 profile image

how do you prevent editing of the strings in production?

jancizmar profile image
Jan Cizmar

Hey! In the production mode, you should never leak your API key and so Tolgee SDKs don't fetch translations from the REST API. Instead, you can choose from several ways, how to provide static data to the Tolgee instance.

paratron profile image
Christian Engel

So, wait: this basically integrates a ton of javascript into your app just to translate it? What happens when you deploy it? How is all of this being removed upon build time or do you just ship it to the users and hide it away from them? Are localizations always loaded from the tolgee servers?

There are so many red flags here :(

jancizmar profile image
Jan Cizmar

Hey! Great questions!

All the dev tools are removed when the app is built, and only the basic functionality, similar to any other i18n solution, is kept in the resulting build. Tolgee JS is modular, so you don't have to include what you don't like and write your own plugins if you wish.

We recommend against using localization data from Tolgee REST API for production builds, since it can be slow and you don't want to rely on the Tolgee servers. There are multiple ways how to serve the data to the clients. You can export the data (using the CLI or via REST API) and bundle them with production build, you can use Content Delivery, which deploys the data to Global CDN or you can host the data somewhere else and handle that yourself.

paratron profile image
Christian Engel • Edited

Thanks for the clarification! It was not exactly clear that the in-place editor would not be bundled along with the application (its still not clear to me if its actually not bundled or just hidden away from the user).

Also there seems to be no documentation about how you would actually download the language files upon build, store them in your project and bake it into your app.

This gets even more complicated when you have multiple languages for your app. You should NOT write all your language strings into the JS bundle.

I suggest getting the docs crystal clere on this matter - but you are on a very good way and I wish you best of luck with your project!

Thread Thread
jancizmar profile image
Jan Cizmar


its still not clear to me if its actually not bundled or just hidden away from the user

It's really not bundled. It works the same as with React.js. When you build for production. Different bundle is used. You can check the code.

But we might add this to FAQ section. :)

This gets even more complicated when you have multiple languages for your app. You should NOT write all your language strings into the JS bundle.

There are several ways how to provide the data to Tolgee JS. Different approaches are optimal for different cases. You can read more here.

steven0121 profile image

we use tolgee i18n and it almost doesn't affect the bundle size.

rust_will_eat_the_world profile image
Nathan Stevens

This feels like an ad tbh.

zack-123 profile image

Well, yeah, but still. It's open-source project so I appreciate their effort. :)