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Toby Inkster
Toby Inkster

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Perl Testing in 2023

With my open source work, I’ve historically taken an approach which relies more on integration testing than unit testing, but with some of my newer projects, I’ve tried adopting principles from $paidwork and applying them to my free software.

This is a quick run-down of how I’m structuring my test suite in newer projects. It’s likely that many of my existing projects will never adopt this structure, but some may.

Out with the old, in with the new

First step is ditching Test::More, Test::Fatal, Test::Warnings, and other pre-Test2 testing libraries.

Test2::V0 provides a good base to work with, so we add that to our project’s requirements list straight away.

We’ll round that out with:

  • Test2::Require::AuthorTesting to skip certain tests when run on the end user’s machine, and require the AUTHOR_TESTING environment variable to run. This is useful for tests which are very slow or require a highly specific environment to run in.
  • Test2::Require::Module to skip certain tests when optional modules are unavailable.
  • Test2::Tools::Spec to better structure our unit tests.
  • Test2::Plugin::BailOnFail for when your tests simply cannot carry on. Use sparingly.

There are other Test2 modules that can be nice to have, but that’s a good starter set. The ones I list above are distributed alongside Test2::V0, so you get them “for free”. It is worth explicitly listing them in your project’s dependencies though, in case they are split into separate distributions in the future.

Test directory structure

Perl distributions typically keep their tests in a directory called t found inside the project root. We won’t change that. We will however create two subdirectories within it, t/unit and t/integration.

You may have other categories of tests which need their own subdirectories too, but these two will be sufficient for most projects.

If support modules are needed for testing, they can live in t/lib. If any data files are needed, put them in t/share.

Any especially important tests can included in the t directory itself for maximum visibility. I recommend giving them numerically-prefixed filenames for better control over the order they run in.

I will typically include two such tests:

  • t/00start.t which performs no real testing, but prints relevant information about the system it’s being run on, such as the version numbers of dependencies, the values of important environment variables, etc.
  • t/01basic.t which loads all of your modules, or at least the important ones, then passes without any real testing being done. The purpose of this is to quickly check for syntax errors so extreme that they prevent your code from even compiling. This is a good place for Test2::Plugin::BailOnFail.

Unit tests

For each module lib/Foo/ there should be a corresponding unit test script t/unit/Foo/Bar.t.

The prelude of this file will look something like this:

  use Test2::V0 -target => 'Foo::Bar';
  use Test2::Tools::Spec;
  use Data::Dumper;
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The footer will look exactly like this:

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And in between will be tests for each unit of code. A “unit” would typically be a function, a method, or an important package variable. Tests for a unit should avoid exercising much code outside their unit, and should especially avoid exercising code outside the target module.

A fairly extensive unit test for a method:

  describe "method `foo_bar`" => sub {

    my ( $foo, $bar, $expected_foo_bar );

    case 'both defined' => sub {
      $foo = 'Hello';
      $bar = 'world';
      $expected_foo_bar = 'Hello world';

    case 'both defined, but foo is empty string' => sub {
      $foo = '';
      $bar = 'world';
      $expected_foo_bar = ' world';

    case 'both defined, but bar is empty string' => sub {
      $foo = 'Hello';
      $bar = '';
      $expected_foo_bar = 'Hello ';

    case 'both defined, but both are empty string' => sub {
      $foo = '';
      $bar = '';
      $expected_foo_bar = ' ';

    case 'foo is undefined' => sub {
      $foo = undef;
      $bar = 'world';
      $expected_foo_bar = 'world';

    case 'bar is undefined' => sub {
      $foo = 'Hello';
      $bar = undef;
      $expected_foo_bar = 'Hello';

    case 'both are undefined' => sub {
      $foo = undef;
      $bar = undef;
      $expected_foo_bar = '';

    tests 'it works' => sub {
      my ( $object, $got_foo_bar, $got_exception, $got_warnings );

      $got_exception = dies {
        $got_warnings = warns {
          $object = $CLASS->new( foo => $foo, bar => $bar );
          $got_foo_bar = $object->foo_bar;
      is( $got_exception, undef, 'no exception thrown' );
      is( $got_warnings, 0, 'no warnings generated' );
      is( $got_foo_bar, $expected_foo_bar, 'expected string returned' );
        object {
          call foo => $foo;
          call bar => $bar;
        "method call didn't alter the values of the attributes",
      ) or diag Dumper( $object );
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The module itself as a whole can also be considered a “unit” so that very basic module-wide concerns can be tested there.

A fairly simple module-wide unit test:

  describe "class `$CLASS`" => sub {

    tests 'it inherits from Moo::Object' => sub {
      isa_ok( $CLASS, 'Moo::Object' );

    tests 'it can be instantiated' => sub {
      can_ok( $CLASS, 'new' );
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Integration tests

Integration tests can take a far more freeform approach. These tests should ensure that the system as a whole, or subsystems within it (which may involve multiple modules), work when used together.

A good place to start is to look at the SYNOPSIS sections of your documentation and test that they work as advertised.

Integration tests should use Test2::V0 but will often be small enough not to benefit much from Test2::Tools::Spec.

Running tests locally

The Test2 tool for running your test suite is yath, but old stalwart prove also works well. In your project roor directory, you should be able to run yath test at the command-line to run your entire test suite. prove -lr should also work.

If you need more verbose output to see exactly which tests are passing, then append -v to each command.

Continuous integration with GitHub Actions

I will normally use GitHub Actions to automatically run my test suite on each push, on every major version of Perl I support. One of the test runs will load Devel::Cover and use it to upload test coverage data to Codecov and Coveralls.

This gives me (almost) instant feedback on whether recent commits have broken things or reduced test coverage.

100% coverage on Coveralls is totally achieveable. 100% coverage on Codecov often takes a lot more work as it measures branch coverage instead of statement coverage. It’s certainly a good goal though.

Exactly how to set up continuous integration will depend a lot on your built tools, so I won’t go into specifics here.


I feel this setup provides a pretty good basis for test-driven Perl development in 2023.

Oldest comments (1)

happybarney profile image
Branislav Zahradník

as author of Test::YAFT let me rewrite your examples using this library. Its expectations are based on Test::Deep

It uses different approach - what is most important part of test must be declared first

  • act - before specifying any data it must be specified how data are tested
  • test message is first argument of any assert, describing intention why this assert even is used
    • assert it is designed to continue with messages like should do this
  act {
    my ($class, $foo, $bar) = @_;

    $class->new (foo => $bar, bar => $bar);

  arrange { class => Class::Under::Test:: };

  it 'should concatenate when both are defined and non-empty'
    => arrange { foo => q (Hello) }
    => arrange { bar => q (world) }
    => expect =>
      & expect_obj_isa (Class::Under::Test::)
      & expect_methods (
        foo     => q (Hello)
        bar     => q (world)
        foo_bar => q (Hello word)

  # assert it, when using value computation
  # - fails, when act dies and throws doesn't exist
  # - fails, when act doesn't die and throws exists

  it 'should preserve leading concatenation space when foo is empty'
    => arrange { foo => q () }
    => arrange { bar => q (world) }
    => expect =>
      & expect_methods (foo_bar => q ( world))
      & expect_methods (foo     => q ())
      & expect_methods (bar     => q ( world))

  it 'should omit leading concatenation space when foo is not defined'
    => arrange { foo => undef }
    => arrange { bar => q (world) }
    => expect =>
      & expect_methods (foo_bar => q (world))
      & expect_methods (foo     => undef)
      & expect_methods (bar     => q ( world))

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