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Discussion on: Make Pretty / User-Friendly Charts with Angular 14 & ng2-charts v3.1.0

tobiastotz profile image
Tobias Totz

Hey Ria, this is incredibly helpful!
I just had a recent project and the charts were a big issue... I wasn't aware how much we can customize with ng2-charts :)
Time to update some code :D

riapacheco profile image
Ria Pacheco • Edited

Yeah, it was a big issue for me too! Also, you might find this helpful too:

At the time (~9 mo ago) it was really difficult finding an answer on how to customize the legend -- found out it required just accessing the package's baseChart's update() method! So the link shows how I was able to programmatically detect what values changed in the data (using that method and some vanilla JS).

Might be out-of-date as I created this post to help spread the word on what both the ng2 package and original package's (chart.js) haven't yet updated in terms of their documented options syntax -- but if the problem still exists, it'll give you a solid head start anyway.


tobiastotz profile image
Tobias Totz

Very interesting! I will look into it :)
Thanks a lot!