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Computer-Aided Learning

Just think about it: Wouldn’t you learn more from actually watching a foreign film for your language class than you would from just talking about it? If you disagree then hear me out. Computer-aided learning is the most cogent technique for the future generation due to the time, pace and place with which one can learn using it.
Before I talk about the reasons computer-aided learning (CAL) is so great, let's take a minute to understand what it really is?

💻 What is Computer-Aided Learning❓

Computer-aided learning (CAL) is simply the use of modern technology in educational instruction. Computer-Aided Learning includes but is not limited to online courses and supplemental course materials used in colleges, homeschooling and distance learning. In Short, any type of technology that can be used to learn will most likely be beneath the umbrella of Computer Assisted Learning.

🧠 Increased Understanding ❗

The reason I am a huge advocate of CAL is the time it reduces while learning something. Students, like myself, look for a shortcut way to end all of our problems and in turn sacrifice “True Understanding”. The simple answer being learning isn’t fun. Visual learners benefit greatly from seeing an image or an example of the terms being discussed in class. CAL bridges the gap between our understanding and imagination. Seeing something really happening or really being used in a video makes it much more real to us it makes the content being delivered more interesting, so we understand it way quicker and retain the information much longer. Apart from this the personalization aspect of CAL greatly reduces the time it takes to absorb a certain concept. Using CAL, we enter into a region where we have greater control over what we view and how we view it. For example, you can arrange your tabs in a browser to your preference making it easier to jump back and forth or you would have categorized files in a certain order presumably interlinked to reduce the time it takes for you to “Learn” the material.

🐌 Self-Pacing ❕

Self-pacing is yet another great feature offered by CAL where adaptive soft wares can change the graphics and study material as per student need of beginner and advanced levels. Students can study as fast or as slowly as they like through a course. If they want to repeat some task or review some material again, they can do so as many times as they choose. Chats and videoconference help in the development of writing, speaking, and communication skills. They provide speaking practice through debates and opinion chats. Moreover, the privacy feature helps the shy students to try out new things with no fear of the rest of the class knowing how many times they have attempted a problem or even their answer is wrong or right, the teacher then can design a personalized learning strategy.

💱 Breaking Boundaries ❗❗

Another benefit of using CAL is that it breaks down the geographical barriers in turn transforming the world more to a global village. I know it may seem a farfetched idea that the geographical barrier is something that hinders learning but the more you evaluate the geography and education the more sense it makes I mean look at the disparity of education between Pakistan and the US. With CAL students can see the researches, investigations and analysis from people all over the world to better solutions to different problems.

In conclusion, this methodology of teaching not only teaches efficiently but makes the teaching more fun and engaging therefore the use of computers should be encouraged among students and teachers and practical computer skill classes should be infused into the educational curriculum.

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