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Discussion on: More than "Hello World" in Docker: Build Rails + Sidekiq web apps in Docker

tmhall99 profile image
Tom Hall

Hi Raphael, thanks for writing this up! I made it all the way to the end but when I click any of the links on the page the number doesn't increment and I get the following message on the server. However when I reload the page the number does appear to be incremented.

web_1 | Started POST "/increment_async?post_id=3" for at 2019-11-14 16:13:27 +0000
web_1 | Cannot render console from! Allowed networks:, ::1,
web_1 | Processing by HomeController#increment_async as HTML
web_1 | Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"nJyVPYC66u05NEifhJpSU8j45OihvALWatPZded9kBbveo8I463AVM9+XjHiOABKtnh9FvjxAfOkcbdC1oEhiA==", "post_id"=>"3"}
sidekiq_1 | 2019-11-14T16:13:27.719Z pid=1 tid=gs60ykwsh class=IncrementCountWorker jid=ff410d219f7e7968abf5a765 INFO: start
sidekiq_1 | 2019-11-14T16:13:28.145Z pid=1 tid=gs60ykwsh class=IncrementCountWorker jid=ff410d219f7e7968abf5a765 elapsed=0.424 INFO: done
web_1 | No template found for HomeController#increment_async, rendering head :no_content
web_1 | Completed 204 No Content in 1241ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)

raphael_jambalos profile image
Raphael Jambalos • Edited

Hi Tom,

Thank you for reading through the article, and providing me with this feedback. I have update the article with the answer to your question. I also included the answer below for easier reference

In step 7.5, copy-paste this snippet instead. This adds the line redirect_to root_path in the controller function increment_async so it goes to the homepage once the link is pressed.

class HomeController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @message = "Dynamic"

    @posts = Post.all

  def increment_async

    redirect_to root_path # THIS IS THE ADDED LINE
tmhall99 profile image
Tom Hall

Excellent, thanks Raphael!