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LunarVim + vim-iced Configuration

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I wanted to create a quick blog post on how to get vim-iced to work with LunarVim since I struggled to get it working and the instructions on vim-iced's website are focused around vim or Neovim.

Here are the steps that worked for me!

  1. Add the following plugins to your config.lua file.
    config = function()
      vim.g.iced_enable_default_key_mappings = true
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Note: make sure to allow LunarVim to install the plugins!

  1. Add the iced command to your PATH by using the path to the vim-iced plugin that LunarVim installed.
export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/share/lunarvim/site/pack/lazy/opt/vim-iced/bin
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Run the following command in your terminal to confirm you are able to use the iced command.

iced version
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The installed version of vim-iced will show after running this command.
terminal image of iced version

  1. Open your Clojure project with LunarVim and navigate to a Clojure file. Open the terminal and run iced repl to start the REPL. Navigate back to your Clojure file and run :IcedConnect to connect to the REPL. You will see a message that says "Connected."

Congrats! You are now able to use vim-iced with LunarVim!

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