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Understanding Watchers in Vue.js

In this article, we will take a deep dive into one of the core concepts in Vue.js -- watchers.

We will start from scratch and look at what watchers are and then we will go further to look at two properties available within a watcher: deep and handler.

We will end the lesson by building a simple project where we will connect to an API endpoint and fetch data to our webpage. Of course, we will use watchers to get the job done.

Lets's get started

Open your text editor to code along. I will be using visual studio code.
Let's begin with the following HTML markup.
Then, head over here to get the Vue.js CDN


I have included the Vue.js CDN on the project. To test if everything is working fine, I added a property called msg in the data object and outputted it on the DOM. Now go to your browser, you should see hello timothy printed on the webpage.

Understanding Watchers

In addition to the data object, the Vue instance accepts other properties such as methods, computed properties, watch, filters, and life cycle hooks such as mounted.

As the name implies, watchers watch for changes in the value of a property that we have already defined in our data object, and does something whenever the value of that property changes. They can also watch for changes in the value of a computed property, and do something whenever the value changes.

Let's see how it works


I have added a button to the DOM and attached a method to it called changeName which gets executed whenever the button is clicked. Below the button, there is an empty div that has a ref attribute with a value of name. The ref attribute will be used to access this div inside of the Vue instance instead of using traditional javascript methods like getElementById.


As you can see, when the button gets clicked, the name changes from Timothy Okooboh to Julie Peterson

The next thing we will do is to watch for this change and make something happen whenever the value of name changes.


So what is happening here?
We added a watch object to the Vue instance. Then we gave it a property called name which happens to be a function. Within this function, we listened for changes in the value of the name property defined inside of the data object. When a change occurs, we set the innerHTML of the div that has a ref value of name.

There is one major thing you MUST take note of. The name property within the watch object MUST BE CALLED name and nothing else. Why? you may ask. Well, that is because we are watching for changes in the value of name. If we had an email property within the data object and wanted to watch for it, then we would have called the watcher email and nothing else.

Also, the watcher takes two parameters, the first is the new value of the property we are watching. The second parameter is the old value of the property we are watching.

Understanding the handler method

In our code above, the watcher name was declared as a function. But it can actually be declared as an object. When declared as an object, the watcher can take three properties namely a handler function, and two booleans deep and immediate. For the sake of this article, we will focus on the handler function and deep.


As you can see in the code above, the handler function basically holds the logic that should get executed whenever the value of the property that we are watching for changes.

Head over to your browser, you should still see that the code works as before.

What about deep?
If you understand deep, then your knowledge of watchers will be on a new level.

Basically, you use deep when watching for changes in the value of items inside an array, or changes in the value of properties inside an object. You will need to set deep to true in order to tell Vue.js to inspect the contents of arrays and objects.

Let's see how it works


Before I explain what is going on, let's see the Vue instance.


We have an array called fruits. Then we take the value of the user's input and use it to replace the first item in the array. We then watch for this change and try to render "the first fruit has changed" to the DOM

As you can see, we successfully changed the value of the first item in the array but the action inside the watcher failed to execute. This can be solved by setting deep to true like so

Now if you view it on your browser, you will see that Vue.js can now inspect our array and execute the action stated in our watcher.

Finally, let's build a simple project

We are going to connect to the yes/no API. The way it will work is that our users will type a question inside an input field. Then we will watch for changes in the value of the input field and send a GET request to the API endpoint. Then we will display the result on the webpage. But before sending the request, we will execute a simple validation -- we will check if the user's question ends with a question mark.

Enough of the talk. Let's see how it works.

We will use axios for sending the http request. Head over here to get the axios CDN

This is the template markup

This is the data object

This is the method that will send the GET request**

Then this is our watcher

Our watcher first validates the user's request to check if it ends with a question mark. If the validation passes, it calls the getResult method after 5 seconds.

THANKS FOR READING. I hope that you learned something. Kindly leave your comments/questions below.

Top comments (1)

tuamascot profile image

Thanks buddy. Very helpful for me <3