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Tiffany Rossi
Tiffany Rossi

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So you have ideas but lack the knowledge to build them? Just f*ing write it down.

I've had ideas for apps and programs for over a decade now. But I never knew how to code, so I let them vanish from my memory.

Now that I'm finally learning how to code, my brain is boiling with excitement and cool stuff I wanna build. But I don't know how to code a complete application yet.

Discouraging? It doesn't have to be. If you have ideas, you have to write them down. I might be reinventing the wheel here, but since I'm self-taught I never saw anyone talk about it. I was frustrated that I had all those cool ideas and no way to make them happen. If you are a self-taught absolute beginner and is feeling as frustrated as I was, it might be helpful for you.

We'll call it...

Just f*ing write it down

First, you will create the main folder. I highly recommend you use a cloud service like Google Drive or Keep, because inspiration can come whenever, wherever. You might be taking a shower. You might be on the bus during your commute home. You don't wanna have to turn your computer on and sit down every time a new idea pops up.

Then you do whatever folder organization works better with you. I like to create a new folder for each app idea, and then I add images, videos and text files to it. I will have the main text file with the app's flow and add whatever inspiration, tutorial or file that might be useful for my app.

But how do you write code without coding?

I have some ideas I've been trying, so I can find out which one fits me better.

1. Write flowcharts

This can be a little tricky if you are not used to flowcharts. You might get distracted with the tools, but once you get the hang of it you can build some cool stuff. Before I decided to learn Python, I wrote the frontend for my first voice app idea in flowcharts, here's a snippet:
A flowchart that shows the flow through a voice app for Alexa that creates new lists.

3. Pseudocode

Pseudocode is a very cool method. I'm not very used to it, so I'm copy-pasting from Wikipedia:

Pseudocode is an informal high-level description of the operating principle of a computer program or other algorithm. It uses the structural conventions of a normal programming language, but is intended for human reading rather than machine reading. Pseudocode typically omits details that are essential for machine understanding of the algorithm, such as variable declarations, system-specific code and some subroutines.

If you wanna learn more, there are someΒΉ guidesΒ².

3. Write a list of steps

If you like lists, you could try just writing your steps. It's somewhat close to Pseudocode, but based on your favorite organizational method. This is the way I'm testing now. I'm trying to add some backend to it as well.

It doesn't have to be right, it just have to make sense for you. My previous flowchart would look like that in this method:

1. user: "Alexa, create a list"
2. alexa: (frontend) "What's the name of your list?"
3. user: "{listname}"
4. alexa: (backend) create {listname} as a new [list] to [list database]
          (frontend) "Okay. {listname} was created. What's the first item in your list?"

5. user: "{item #1}"
6. alexa: (backend) adds {item #1} to {listname}
          (frontend) "{item #1} added to {listname}. Say the next item, or say Stop."

(while user keeps saying {itens}, repeat steps 5 and 6)

7. user: "Stop"
8. alexa: (frontend) "Okay. Your list {listname} is ready."
          (backend) quit
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

If you're already familiar with some code, you could try enhancing your project a little bit closer to actual code, but only if it's not distracting you from the goal of writing a flow for your idea.

user: "Alexa, create a list"
alexa: (frontend) "What's the name of your list?"
user: "{listname}"
alexa: (backend) create {listname} as a new [list] to [list database]
       (frontend) "Okay. {listname} was created. What's the first item in your list?"

while (user: "{item #1}"):
alexa: (backend) adds {item #1} to {listname}
       (frontend) "{item #1} added to {listname}. Say the next item, or say Stop."
       if (user: "Stop"):
            alexa: (frontend) "Okay. Your list {listname} is ready."
                   (backend) quit
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

And now what?

Now you go back to your tutorials, articles, video classes or whatever method you chose to learn with! Whenever in your learning process you see something that might be helpful to your projects, you go back to that folder. Add links, write notes, ask for help in message boards. When you see it, you'll have enough to make it happen.

Now, my fellow newbies, I want to know: how do you organize yourselves so your super cool ideas won't vanish over time?

Top comments (3)

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel πŸ•΅πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Fayard

It's even a good idea if you do know how to implement it.
Not everything that you can program is worth doing.
It's best to gauge whether the thing that you are writing is interesting someone else before you spend all that time coding.

So how do you know whether that could become interesting?

Tom Preston Werner who founded GitHub has a simple answer:

write its README first

tiffs profile image
Tiffany Rossi

I'm glad I'm heading towards that direction. From this post I can figure it's somewhat like making a movie - you first write your script. The final cut will be a lot different from the original script, but the script is 1. the first thing executive producers will see to decide if the movie is worth the money or not; 2. directions for the whole crew know where to go. Thanks for sharing!

himynameisoleg profile image

Great advice for any project type or goal setting too. It’s called our β€œsecond brain”. Much better at storing data for long term than our main brain πŸ˜