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Tien Nguyen
Tien Nguyen

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A Beginner's Guide to Props and State in React

React is a robust and popular JavaScript library for building dynamic and interactive user interfaces. One of the core concepts in React development is understanding the difference between props and state and using them effectively in your applications. In this blog post, we'll explore what React props and state are, how they differ, and best practices for using them.

If you're new to React development and wondering if it's straightforward to learn, I recommend checking out my blog post Is React easy to learn?. In this post, I point out the common challenges faced by beginners and provide some tips and resources to help you get started with React.
Now, let's dive into the world of React props and state and learn how they can be used to create rich and dynamic user interfaces.

What are React props?

React props are short for "properties," which are used to transfer data between different components. They allow you to customize a component by providing values to its attributes. In simple terms, props are like function arguments in JavaScript or parameters in other programming languages.

A component can receive props from its parent component and use them to render dynamic content. You can pass any type of data as props, including numbers, strings, objects, arrays, and even functions.

To pass props to a component, you define them as key-value pairs in the component's opening tag. For example, suppose you have a component called "Button" that you want to customize with different text and color. You can pass these values as props like this:

<Button text="Click me!" color="blue" />
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In this example, the props are "text" and "color," and their values are "Click me!" and "blue," respectively. The component can then use these values to render a button with the specified text and color.

Props are read-only, meaning that a component can't modify the values of its props. This is to ensure that data flows in a single direction, from parent to child components. If you need to modify a value, you should use React state instead, which we'll cover in the next section.

What is React state?

React state is another essential feature of React components. Unlike props, which are passed down from a parent component, state is a component's internal data that can change over time. State allows you to build dynamic and interactive components that respond to user input, data changes, and other events.

To define and use state in a component, you need to declare it in the component's constructor function. For example, suppose you have a component called "TextInput" that allows a user to input text and displays the input in real-time. You can define the initial state of the component in its constructor like this:

class TextInput extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { value: "" };

  handleChange(event) {
    this.setState({ value: });

  render() {
    return (
        <input type="text" value={this.state.value} onChange={this.handleChange.bind(this)} />
        <p>You typed: {this.state.value}</p>
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In this example, the initial state of the component is an object with a single property called "value," which is set to an empty string. The component's render method displays an input field and a paragraph element that shows the input in real-time. The handleChange method updates the component's state using the setState method, which takes an object that defines the new state based on the user input.

React state is meant for internal component state only and should not be used to store global data or shared state between components. In such cases, you should use other solutions such as Redux or Context API.

In addition to the traditional method of handling state using the class-based components, React 16.8 introduced a new feature called the useState hook. The useState hook allows functional components to handle state without the need for a class. It's a more straightforward and concise way to manage state, reducing the complexity of state handling in React applications. This approach can make code more manageable and easier to understand, especially for developers who are new to React.

Understanding the difference between props and state

React props and state are both fundamental concepts that play a crucial role in building dynamic and interactive user interfaces. However, they differ in several ways, and understanding these differences is crucial to building efficient and scalable React applications.

Here are the main differences between props and state:

Source of data
The primary difference between props and state is their source of data. Props are passed down from a parent component to its child component, while state is defined and managed internally by a component.

Another significant difference is the mutability of props and state. Props are read-only, and a child component cannot modify the props it receives from its parent. On the other hand, state is mutable, and a component can update its state using the setState() method.

While props and state serve different purposes, they are not mutually exclusive. Components can use both props and state to manage their data and provide an optimal user experience.

Best practices for using props and state in React

Now that we have a good understanding of React props and state and how they differ, let's discuss some best practices for using them in your React applications.

Keep props and state simple
It's important to keep your props and state as simple as possible. Avoid storing unnecessary data or logic in your state or passing down too many props to your child components. Instead, try to break down your application into smaller and more manageable components, each with its own clear responsibilities.

Use props for data that doesn't change
Props are ideal for data that doesn't change throughout the lifecycle of a component. This includes data such as configuration settings, static content, and user information.

Use state for data that changes
On the other hand, state is suitable for data that changes over time, such as form inputs, user interactions, or data fetched from an API. It's important to update the state using the setState() method and avoid directly mutating the state object.

Avoid unnecessary rerendering
Rerendering can be expensive, so it's important to avoid unnecessary rerendering of your components. An approach to accomplish this is to use the shouldComponentUpdate() lifecycle method to determine whether a component needs to be rerendered or not. Another way is to use the React.memo higher-order component to memoize the component and prevent unnecessary rerendering.

Use functional components and hooks
Functional components and hooks are new features in React that provide a simpler and more concise way of defining and managing components. They also eliminate the need for class components and the this keyword, making it easier to reason about your code and avoid common pitfalls.


React props and state are essential concepts for constructing responsive and engaging user interfaces within React applications. Understanding these concepts and using them effectively can help you build scalable and efficient React applications. We have covered what React props and state are, how they differ, and best practices for using them.

If you're looking to learn React fast, I suggest reading my blog post on how to learn React JS quickly. In this post, I provide some tips and resources to help you get started with React and accelerate your learning.

If you're looking to take your React skills to the next level, check out the blog post about how to master React JS. This post provides more advanced techniques and strategies for building complex and interactive user interfaces with React.

By mastering the concepts of React props and state and continually improving your React skills, you can build high-quality and performant applications that meet the needs of your users.

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