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An Introduction...

Hello! My name is Joe, and I go by thtmexicnkid on most, if not all, social media platforms. I am fairly new to blogging and this is an exciting opportunity to express some creativity in a new way.

In my personal life, I am many things -- a drummer in a local Detroit hard rock band, a gamer and Twitch streamer, a n00b wrestling fan, and, maybe most importantly, a tech nerd. That may or may not be the reason for the creation of this account.

In my professional life, I am a Cybersecurity Engineer for an automotive company. There, I manage Elastic deployments, supplemented with various scripts (Bash, Python, PowerShell), to provide information security by means of host and network monitoring, alerting, and automation.

Both companies that have employed me in the past 6-7 years have worked quite closely with Elastic. Because of this, I have a fairly close working relationship with my sales rep. So, when he heard that I was using Elastic to store and search through my notes for the Dungeons & Dragons campaign that I play every weekend, he put me in touch with some people. I will explain in-depth very soon!

Be sure to look out for my weekly updates regarding my Elastic/D&D project on Friday evenings or Saturday mornings and don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions!

Talk to y'all soon,

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