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What are the best PyQt5 tutorials?

PyQt is a Python module for building GUI apps. It is a huge module that has a lot of features.

You can start with basic tutorials like:

Most of them only cover the basics, like setting up a window, adding buttons and basic widgets to the window.

If you are looking for a book, I recommend this book.

PyQt is a wrapper for the Qt library, which is huge. Nearly everything available in the Qt library is available in PyQt.

Besides GUI programming there are many other things Qt you can do, like interacting with databases

What is the best PyQt tutorial?

Overall, any tutorial will get you started. You can build any desktop software you want using only Python and PyQt.


Most tutorials only have articles or are quite brief, they don't cover a lot of examples nor videos.

The best one in my opinion is this course. It comes with ebook, hundreds of examples and video materials.

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