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Discussion on: Are Google and Facebook Evil?

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Thomas Junkツ

The good thing about artificial examples is, that they are sandboxed and easy to reason about. As I wrote in my first answer: real life is complicated and hard to reason about.

Mentioning #GDPR makes your "real world examples" not easier to reason about.

Proper answers exist unless you are a Big Data/Big Internet apologist.

What is to make of that statement? Does questioning put me automatically on one side or the other? Does thinking the arguments against big data are perhaps inconclusive make me in some way an "apologist"? I think not.

And slippery slopes like

The path from Google tracking my location to the wrong person being able to find out where I live is not a long and twisty path.

do not help.

In principle, your argument goes like this:
There is a law, which says x. Therefore x is right.

This might be the case. But it is not by necessity so.

When we are speaking of "tracking users", why should a user being asked to give consent? What is exactly the good, which is subject of the law, which is protected here?

If we speak of privacy: in what way is visiting a public website private? Or why should it be seen more private than visiting a physical shop instead of a webshop?

If you take the analogy of the post secret: the reason behind that is, that confidential information is exchanged betwen a sender and a recipient. If you send me a secret, it is not a violation of postal law.

In which way is telling advertisers your interaction on my site against your "privacy"? Why should you treat that confidential?