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Introduction to Svelte - Adapting a board game

Thomas Ferro on January 14, 2020

Or how being trollish almost made me skip a gem. Yet another state of JS Extracted from the 2019 survey of "State of JS - Front-En...
thaddeusm profile image
Thaddeus McCleary

That was a great walkthrough of Svelte's major features from a Vue perspective. My introduction to Svelte was also through some irritation with the heavy boilerplate required in Vue files.

I listened to a podcast episode with Rich Harris last year where he discussed some of the reasoning behind how components are constructed in Svelte. One thing that stood out to me was a discussion about the trend in software development to want to hold on to legacy code and make incremental changes rather than being willing to rewrite applications.

This conservatism makes sense from a business perspective, but talking to any developer for any length of time will involve commiseration about having to work on legacy projects. It seems like the world of journalism, where Rich Harris has worked, does not have some of these pressures. I like the idea of approaching a new framework with the idea of not only starting a new project, but restarting from scratch if needed without bemoaning the amount of boilerplate code that will have to be rewritten.

Also, I appreciate how your tutorial reflects your experience educating others about web development. I have helped my sons use Vue and Svelte for small projects and strongly believe that this experience yields a different perspective. Maybe I did not consciously realize all of the compromises I was making when I first learned Vue. I tend to enjoy technical challenges and debugging. However, I have found the object structure of data in Vue to be a major (unnecessary) headache for people who are new to web development.

Given Vue's stated goal of being approachable, I hope that ecosystem can gain inspiration from what Svelte is trying to offer.

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Thomas Ferro

Thanks for your feedback and the insights :)
I will definitely listen to the podcast!