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My overall six weeks experiences, while in the taskforce at CodeofAfrica and Awesomity lab.


I remember it like it was yesterday, My first experience was full of wonder, excitement and nervous situations. I found myself as the only lady in the team members as we were eight. Through out the taskforce activities and fun moments, l would love to share my experience.

•What was your experience like to you, in your six weeks of involvement at the task force? Briefly share your gains, challenges and say.
My experience at the taskforce was remarkable to me in more ways than l could imagine and l boldly say that l am proud to have made the step of being part of this program. I met new faces and we become a great team, enjoyed fun moments, brainstorming and team playing together. I felt at home and taken valuable as the only lady around the taskforce, and l grew into being an advocate to all ladies passionate about It and tech field,to not only settle for less and the myth around, but to believe in ourselves to partake to making a difference in the society.

Further more, l gained essential key skills that are in need or in demand on the market level and productive Individually speaking. In concept, we learnt different soft skill set that include; project management, stereo types, self organization, critical thinking, design thinking as well as some technical skills as; use of Gitlab, react native and Agile Method more on the concept. They were very insightful and l thank God who strengthened me to grasp new technical skills that seemed tought at first.

Apart from the skills l gained, l got to have fun, shared memorable moments with the team members, got celebrated in this women's month and made friends that l found to be a very supportive environment to work along with.

I kept sharing how l met a great team and l have to show you our beautiful faces at last!

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My dedication speech to my Forever team at the task force.

I appreciate your involvement, team work spirit and effort to achieving our dream goals together in a supportive manner. You are and we're the best team players l would have never asked for, and I would still choose to be part of you given the opportunity to choose a great team to work again! Thank you for the love, words of encouragement, harmonious working we shared along with. I would also like to appreciate highly for the CEO, facilitators and Leaders that were a ladder to our building to our objectives in any manner of support they provided for all of us in the task force. We thank you for choosing to invest in us for the great Leadership you demonstrated to us in numerous ways.


Let me conclude primarily thanking the source of my strength and doing all things who is God! Am proud that l chose to believe and believe in self to do great things through investing in me to the gain of many. My work experience at the taskforce as you can see was a remarkable experience to me and am looking forward to implementing the knowledge in the market level eventually. Thank you for the experience at the task force!

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elvissautet profile image
Elvis Sautet

Amazing work🇰🇪