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Exploratory Data Analysis Using SQL.

In this project, I carried out an exploratory analysis on Internet Usage around the world. The dataset contains records of Internet Users of ALL the countries in the world as of 2018.
The dataset contains columns like Country, Internet Users, Population and Percentage.
Using SQL, I was able to run some queries through the dataset and get answers to some questions and also to get insights.

The dataset was first loaded into Microsoft Excel in order to “clean” the dataset, rename the columns, remove outliers and to check for consistency in the dataset.
Here is a picture of the dataset in Microsoft Excel:

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A database was then created in MYSQL, and the dataset was imported into the SQL workbench in order to begin analysis.
Picture of the dataset after being imported into the SQL workbench:,

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Analysis was done to get answers to some very important questions and to get an understanding of the dataset.

1)Total sum of Internet Users in the entire world:

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The query above shows the total number of internet users in the entire world is 3,663,346,115. as of 2018.

2)Country with the highest number of Internet Users:

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China has the highest number of internet users in the world.
with 765,367,947 users.

3)Country with the Lowest number of internet users:

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Ascension has the lowest number of internet users in the world, with just 361 users. It is a volcanic island located in the Atlantic Ocean, with a total population of only 806 people.

4)Top Five Countries by number of Internet Users:

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China, India, United States, Brazil and Japan have the highest number of internet users in the world.

5)Bottom five countries by number of internet users:

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Ascension, Niue, Wallis and Futuna, Montserrat and Falkland Islands have the lowest number of internet users in the world.

6) Difference In Internet Users Between the Country with Highest and Lowest Users:

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There is a significant difference of 765,367,586 between the countries with the highest and lowest number of internet users.

7)Country with the Highest Percentage of Internet Users:

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Andorra has the highest percentage of Internet users, at 99%

8) Country with the Lowest Percentage of Internet Users:

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Eritrea has the lowest percentage of internet users in the world, at 1%

9) Country With the Highest Ratio of Internet Users to population:

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The Falkland Islands, with a total population of 2,910 and 2,881 internet users, have the highest ratio of internet users to population, at 99%.

10)Correlation Between Internet Users and Population:

Here, I wanted to determine if there is any correlation or relationship between a country's population and the number of internet users.
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The query revealed a correlation coefficient of 0.9. This indicates a strong positive association, suggesting that countries with larger populations tend to have more internet users.

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