DEV Community

Discussion on: Rethinking JavaScript: The complete elimination and eradication of JavaScript's this.

theodesp profile image
Theofanis Despoudis • Edited

It looks like you know what you are doing in the package. Why are you falling into the traps of this then?

Thread Thread
joelnet profile image
JavaScript Joel

I see developers stumble on this. It's part of every developer interview process. Do they understand this?

In a functional reactive program, you won't find any instance of this. But there are times when code is outside of your control. For example when you have to use a 3rd party library. So you can never be truly free.

But your question should not be ** Why are you falling into the traps of this then?** it should be ** Why do JavaScript developers fall into the traps of this?** To which you will have to google and search stack overflow to understand the complexity of why people don't fully understand this.