DEV Community

Discussion on: Why I Deleted My IDE; and How It Changed My Life For the Better

themesurgeon profile image
John Teague

Funny, I avoided IDEs for years because I typically don't like kitchen sink solutions. I normally prefer light and fast. But a few months ago I switched to VS Code after starting to work with TypeScript, Golang, and Webpack 4. And I've been thrilled with the setup and centralized tools like git, GitHub, terminals, multipane views, and much more. Not without it's occasional headache. But, overall, it's made me better and more productive.

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Paweł Świątkowski

But... VS Code is not an IDE.

themesurgeon profile image
John Teague

True. I guess I was thinking about feature heavy editors. 🙂

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Brian Batchelor

Same here, moved from Intelij, to subline, to Atom and finally settled on VSCode. What i realized I was just using a small subset of features on Intelij and was going into feature overload trying to memorize hotkey combination. VScode come with a basic code editor tool and allows me to customize development enviroment. Beside, the majority of my work is done by the browser dev tools and npm/nodejs scripts.