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VS Code extensions you may not have heard of before

Geoff Stevens on January 23, 2019

One of the best features of VS Code is its large marketplace of extensions. With nearly 10,000 extensions now available, VS Code can be tweaked and...
defman profile image
Sergey Kislyakov

I don't see any reasons to install these extensions, thus they are not underrated but useless for me at least. I mean, why would you want to control Spotify or play Snake inside your editor/IDE? CodeStream looks interesting, though.

dallgoot profile image

i add a nuance here, some extensiosn can be of use to certain people (messaching, css colors)
however, i strongly discourage adding functionality that has nothing to do with coding (spotify ? really ?) they serve no real need except avoiding ONE ALT-TAB and moreoever they overload VScode which in itself has some issues with performancs already.
We need to focus on our work not on bells and whistles.

qm3ster profile image
Mihail Malo

vscode-spotify is #productivity, because it prevents you from switching to the Spotify app which is not just a separate window but a big distraction, with its flashy interface and discovery features.

Personally, I just use keyboard media keys. Maybe I should add a binding for liking the current song.

nans profile image
Nans Dumortier

Turbo Console Log inserts console.log snippets quickly into your code. Select a variable you would like to debug, type ctrl + alt + l, and the extension will automatically insert a line to log the variable.
I actually made a custom snippet for that, because I didn't know this kind of extension existed !
Here is the config I have:

    "key": "cmd+k cmd+l",
    "command": "editor.action.insertSnippet",
    "when": "editorTextFocus",
    "args": {
      "langId": "javascript",
      "name": "Print to console"

And the snippet itself :

"Print to console": {
        "prefix": "log",
        "body": [
            "console.log('$1', ${TM_SELECTED_TEXT});",
        "description": "Log output to console"
jaga profile image
Jaga santagostino • Edited

Window Colors it's a god send when dealing with multiple projects 🙏thanks

lesha profile image
lesha 🟨⬛️ • Edited

Really, Color Highlight is the only extension of these that's at least remotely useful.

Controlling music from my IDE? Dude, that's what media keys are for.

VSCode is built on top of Chromium, it's a miracle that it's fast. No need to slow it down installing 10s of extensions.

Here's useful (and relatively unpopular: <100k downloads)one though:

thegeoffstevens profile image
Geoff Stevens

Nice find with the bracket colorizer! Could be really helpful.

rodrigoman profile image
Rodrigo Lozano

I will try vscode-spotify, great article!

fernandoguedes profile image
Luís Fernando Guedes • Edited


thegeoffstevens profile image
Geoff Stevens

Ok, you caught me. Playing snake in VS Code might not be the best for productivity... Maybe it needs a time limit!

blint profile image
Ibrohim Hanafi • Edited

vscode spotify look interesting

qm3ster profile image
Mihail Malo

It's valuable, you don't always have debugger setup on quick jobs.