Happy May 1st!
Edpresso is a database of byte-sized dev knowledge that just keeps on growing!
Today, we've taken a moment to reflect on our most trafficked shots from April. Give them a read, see what you think, and show them some love! 😃
What is complex event processing?
“Complex event processing (CEP) is an approach to searching patterns in a real-time stream of events.” This shot by Siddarth Singh uses the example of building a fraud detection system for a bank that can detect fraudulent transactions in real-time to show how CEP systems use event streams and pattern queries.How to create a shopping car app using BLoC pattern in Flutter
Two of this month’s top shots were written by Chukwujama Osinachi Victor. His first, “How to create a shopping cart app using BLoC pattern in Flutter” shows users how to build a simple shopping cart app that uses the BLoC pattern as a way to explain the BloC pattern, which is a mature way to manage state in a Flutter app.Strategies for solving bugs
His second, “Strategies for solving bugs” goes through a checklist of the effects that frustration at not being able to find a bug can have such as, “loss of motivation to go further,” “many hours lost trying to track the given bug,” etc. His shot goes over these effects and explains ways that he has found to be beneficial when solving bugs like, keeping an anti-bug checklist in your brain or writing about your bug to avoid repeating the mistake.Learn dynamic programming in 10 minutes!
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” This shot by Harsh Jain goes over why we need dynamic programming (the act of “remembering answers to the sub-problem you’ve already solved, and not solving them again.”), dynamic programming and recursion, and how to identify a dynamic programming problem.Find the integer that appears once in an array
Last but not least is our top shot this month, according to our users. In this shot, Benjamin Chibuzor-Orie deals with how to find the integer that appears once in an array. He starts with the problem and then moves on to several approaches that could be used as well as the optimal solution (i.e., The XOR operator).
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