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Discussion on: Source Your Own Daily-Quotes in Obsidian

thedyslexicpoet profile image

Thanks for your reply. Your script is now working perfectly. My mistake was that I had my quote files in a folder (as I reserve my root for MOCs). After putting the quotes into the root, your script started working. What would I have to change for the script to look for files in a specific folder? (My coding skills are fairly basic)

I did encounter another error as it was not liking one of your comments (the apostrophe in don't) - I attached an image. I just removed the apostrophe... As far as quotes go, yes, I'm on windows. I forget that linux/os x allows more symbols in filenames.

For interest sake, this is how I've modified your script for my purpose. For my journal, I want to answer some random questions. Your method with some loops added now grabs 3 unique questions. I've also removed the first part of the filename and with another adjustment (actualquestionFiles keeping the full title), I've retained the backlink whilst being able to present the question without (QUESTION) at the start.

    const questionFiles = []
    const actualquestionFiles = []
    app.metadataCache.getCachedFiles().forEach(filename => { // get all filenames in the vault and iterate through all of them, calling a function for each of them
        let { tags } = app.metadataCache.getCache(filename) // get the tags in the  file w/ the given name
        tags = (tags || []).filter(t => t.tag && "#dailyquestion" === t.tag) // filter out all tags that are not "#dailyquestion"

       if (tags.length > 0 && filename.startsWith("(QUESTION)")) { // list will contain at least one tag for the relevant notes, also filter out all notes, also filter out all notes that do not start w/ "(QUESTION)"
            questionFiles.push(filename.slice(11, filename.length - 3)) // cuts off "(QUESTION) " AND the last three characters from filename, otherwise the links would contain `.md` at the end

        // gets the full question title for correct backlinking
       if (tags.length > 0 && filename.startsWith("(QUESTION)")) { 
            actualquestionFiles.push(filename.slice(0, filename.length - 3)) 


    // find Q1
    var randomIndex1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * questionFiles.length)

    // run loop until Q2 is different from Q1 
    do {
        randomIndex2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * questionFiles.length)
    } while (randomIndex1 === randomIndex2);

    // run loop until Q3 is different from Q2 and Q1
    do {
        randomIndex3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * questionFiles.length)
    } while (randomIndex3 === randomIndex2 || randomIndex3 === randomIndex1);

    // has correct backlink but shows only the question
    tR += "### " + `[[${actualquestionFiles[randomIndex1]}|${questionFiles[randomIndex1]}?]]` + "\r\n" + "\r\n"
    tR += "### " + `[[${actualquestionFiles[randomIndex2]}|${questionFiles[randomIndex2]}?]]` + "\r\n" + "\r\n"
    tR += "### " + `[[${actualquestionFiles[randomIndex3]}|${questionFiles[randomIndex3]}?]]`
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jonasmerlin profile image
Jonas Schumacher • Edited

Thanks for catching that quotes bug! I added the comments when writing the post, not in the original script and didn't test it with them in. I will edit it in the post and add you to the thanks section. 😄

There are multiple ways to make it work with notes anywhere. The easiest would be to simply drop the requirement that the note's name starts with (QUOTE) (or (QUESTION) in your case). This is actually a remnant of the way my own vault is structured and if you will only ever use the #dailyquestion tag with these questions, filtering for it would be enough. You could still name them with a leading (QUESTION), mind you. The problem is simply that folders are appended to the beginning of the name of a note, and since we check the beginning of a note's name for (QUESTION), notes that are in folders get filtered out. These edits should do the trick I think:

if (tags.length > 0) { // list will contain at least one tag for the relevant notes, also filter out all notes"
  questionFiles.push(filename.slice(11, filename.length - 3)) // cuts off "(QUESTION) " AND the last three characters from filename, otherwise the links would contain `.md` at the end

// gets the full question title for correct backlinking
if (tags.length) { 
  actualquestionFiles.push(filename.slice(0, filename.length - 3)) 
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Another way to do it would be to split the note's name on all occurences of / and then use the last element of the resulting list as the "canonical" name of that note. If you'd like a small challange to level up your coding skills, you could try to do this with split() yourself. If you don't - or if you can't seem to make it work - write me and I'll edit the script for you. Nice work on editing it for your usecase btw.! And thanks for sharing, I think I will take inspiration from this for my daily notes as well.

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dane_mcneill_b440e54958eb profile image
Dane McNeill

It might be that I am just too new with obsidian to follow these directions. But I can’t get it to work for me. Is the templates folder the same folder as the route folder? I put them in my templates folder hoping that was the case. Also can you provide an example of a quote in text format so I can copy and paste it so when I put that in my templates folder as well I know at least I haven’t coded it incorrectly and that is not the source of my problem.

Finally, how would the solution be modified to put all of the quotes in a folder so they could be organized that way instead of being in a route folder?

Thank you

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jonasmerlin profile image
Jonas Schumacher

Hey! Sorry to keep you waiting. This post has gotten a bit long in the tooth I feel and I remember seeing purpose made plugins for this usecase around. (Edit: I think this was it: So my recommendation would be to use one of those or use the quite elegant solution described here:

Should you still have your mind set on using something similar to what I describe in the post - or wanted to use it to get into writing Obsidian scripts - let me know and I'll take a stab at re-understanding and explaining what I came up with there :D

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kadena_az profile image

Will do. Thanks for the reply!!