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Kotlin vs Java: How to Choose for Your Next Project in 2024?

Kotlin vs Java


The world of software development is in a constant state of evolution, with new programming languages and tools emerging regularly. In this dynamic landscape, The Dev Corporate tells you that choosing the right programming language for your next project is a crucial decision. Kotlin vs Java are two prominent contenders, especially in the realm of Android app development. As we step into 2024, it's essential to evaluate which of these languages is better suited for your specific project. This article aims to provide you with a comprehensive comparison of Kotlin vs Java, highlighting their key differences and similarities. We will delve into when to use each of these languages, helping you make an informed decision for your upcoming projects.

Kotlin vs Java: Key Differences and Similarities

Before we dive into the decision-making process for your next project, let's first understand the key differences and similarities between Kotlin and Java.

1. Origin and History

Java, created by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems in the mid-1990s, has been a stalwart in the world of software development for decades. It's known for its "write once, run anywhere" philosophy, which allows developers to create platform-independent applications.
Kotlin, on the other hand, is a relatively newer language developed by JetBrains in 2011. It was introduced as a more modern and concise alternative to Java, designed to improve developer productivity.

2. Syntax

Java is known for its verbose syntax. It often requires writing more lines of code to achieve the same functionality compared to Kotlin. While this verbosity can make the code easier to read for some, it can also slow down development.
Kotlin has a concise and expressive syntax. It reduces boilerplate code, making it more succinct and developer-friendly. As a result, writing and maintaining the code becomes simpler.

3. Null Safety

In Java, null pointer exceptions are a common issue, as there's no built-in mechanism to handle null values. Developers need to manually check for null references, which can lead to runtime errors.
Kotlin addresses the null safety problem by distinguishing nullable and non-nullable types. This design choice helps prevent null pointer exceptions, making the code more robust and less error-prone.

4. Interoperability

Java is a statically typed language, and it's known for its strict type system. While this type of safety is advantageous in many cases, it can sometimes lead to verbosity when working with dynamically typed languages.
The design of Kotlin includes complete Java interoperability. It allows developers to seamlessly integrate Kotlin and Java code within the same project. This flexibility is a significant advantage for those transitioning from Java to Kotlin.

  1. Extension Functions Java: Java doesn't natively support extension functions. To achieve similar functionality, developers often resort to creating utility classes or using static methods. Kotlin: Kotlin supports extension functions, which enable developers to add new functions to existing classes without modifying their source code. Code readability and reusability are improved by this feature.

6. Smart Casts

Java lacks the ability to perform smart casts, which can lead to repetitive type casting operations.
Kotlin includes smart casts, which automatically cast types in safe situations, reducing the need for explicit casting and improving code clarity.

7. Coroutines

Java lacks native support for coroutines, which are essential for straightforwardly writing asynchronous and concurrent code.
Kotlin provides native support for coroutines, simplifying asynchronous programming and making it easier to handle tasks such as network calls and background processing.

8. Community and Ecosystem

Java boasts a vast and mature ecosystem with a wealth of libraries, frameworks, and tools. It has been widely adopted in the industry for a long time, resulting in extensive community support.
While Kotlin's ecosystem is smaller in comparison, it has been growing rapidly since its introduction. It benefits from the strong support of JetBrains and offers seamless integration with Android development.
When to Use Kotlin vs Java for Android Development
Android app development has been a domain where both Kotlin and Java have been widely used. To make an informed decision, it's essential to consider the specific requirements of your project. Let's explore scenarios in which one language may be preferable over the other.

When to Use Java for Android Development:

Legacy Codebase: If you are working on a project with an existing Java codebase, sticking with Java may be the most practical choice. Migrating to Kotlin can be a gradual process, but it might not be necessary if your current codebase is extensive.
Team Familiarity: If your development team is well-versed in Java and lacks experience with Kotlin, it might be more efficient to continue using Java. Transitioning to a new language requires time and training.
Java Libraries and Frameworks: Java offers an extensive ecosystem of libraries and frameworks that may not have Kotlin equivalents. If your project heavily relies on such tools, Java is a logical choice.
Platform Independence: If your project targets multiple platforms beyond Android, Java's "write once, run anywhere" philosophy might be advantageous. Java applications can be easily ported to other platforms.

When to Use Kotlin for Android Development:

New Projects: For greenfield projects starting in 2024, Kotlin is a compelling choice. Its modern features and enhanced developer productivity make it an excellent option for building new Android applications.
Enhanced Productivity: Kotlin's concise syntax, null safety, and other modern language features can significantly boost developer productivity, leading to faster development and potentially lower maintenance costs.
Android-Specific Advantages: Kotlin was officially endorsed by Google as a first-class language for Android development. It offers seamless interoperability with Java and leverages Android-specific features, making it a preferred choice for Android app development.
Reducing Boilerplate Code: Kotlin's reduced verbosity minimizes boilerplate code, resulting in cleaner and more maintainable code. This can be particularly advantageous for large, complex Android projects.

Choosing Between Kotlin vs Java for Your Project in 2024

Now that we've explored the key differences and identified scenarios where one language may be more suitable than the other, let's delve into a structured decision-making process for choosing between Kotlin and Java for your project in 2024.
1. Project Requirements
Examine the project's particular requirements first. Consider factors such as the project's scope, platform, and expected longevity. If your project is Android-focused and needs to leverage the latest platform features, Kotlin is a strong contender.
2. Development Team Expertise
Evaluate the expertise of your development team. If your team is well-versed in Java and hasn't had significant exposure to Kotlin, the learning curve may slow down your project's progress. In such cases, sticking with Java may be more pragmatic.
3. Existing Codebase
If your project is an extension of an existing codebase, it's crucial to consider the technology stack already in use. If you have a substantial Java codebase, continuing with Java can save you from the complexities of migration.
4. Ecosystem and Third-Party Libraries
Assess the availability of third-party libraries, frameworks, and tools. Java's mature ecosystem may have specialized solutions that are essential for your project. However, keep in mind that Kotlin's ecosystem is rapidly evolving and gaining momentum, making it more attractive for modern development.
5. Development Speed and Efficiency
Consider your project's timeline and goals. If you need to develop your project quickly and efficiently, Kotlin's modern features, such as concise syntax and null safety, can help you write code faster and with fewer errors. This can lead to shorter development cycles and reduced maintenance efforts in the long run.
6. Platform Focus
If your project primarily targets the Android platform, Kotlin is the natural choice. Google's official endorsement of Kotlin as the preferred language for Android development means you'll have access to Android-specific features and tools that are seamlessly integrated with Kotlin.
7. Cost Considerations
Evaluate your project's budget and long-term costs. While migrating from Java to Kotlin may involve an initial learning curve, the long-term benefits of improved developer productivity and reduced maintenance costs can outweigh the short-term challenges.
8. Future-Proofing
Think about the future of your project. Kotlin is continually evolving and receiving updates to keep up with modern development practices. It's likely to stay relevant and supported in the coming years, making it a future-proof choice.
9. Community and Support
Consider the strength of the communities and the support available for each language. Java's community is massive and well-established, providing a wealth of resources and expertise. Kotlin's community is smaller but growing, with strong support from JetBrains and Android developers.

  1. Mixed-Language Projects If your project involves working with other platforms or languages, such as web development or server-side code, Kotlin's interoperability with Java can be a significant advantage. You can use both languages in the same project as needed. Ultimately, the choice between Kotlin and Java for your project in 2024 will depend on a combination of these factors. It's essential to weigh the pros and cons and carefully consider your project's unique requirements. In some cases, a hybrid approach, where you use both languages in different parts of your project, might be the most practical solution.


Is Kotlin replacing Java for Android development?

While Kotlin has gained widespread popularity for Android development and is officially supported by Google, Java is not going away. Many existing Android projects still use Java, and it remains a valid choice for some scenarios. The choice between Kotlin and Java depends on the specific needs of your project.

What are the key advantages of using Kotlin over Java for Android development?

Some of the key advantages of using Kotlin for Android development include its concise syntax, null safety, enhanced developer productivity, seamless interoperability with Java, and built-in support for coroutines. These features make Kotlin a compelling choice for new Android projects.

Is it easy to migrate from Java to Kotlin for an existing Android project?

Migrating from Java to Kotlin is feasible, but it can be a gradual process. Kotlin's interoperability with Java allows you to start using Kotlin in new parts of your project while keeping existing Java code. This approach minimizes disruptions and allows you to transition at your own pace.

What is the performance difference between Kotlin vs Java for Android apps?

In terms of performance, Kotlin and Java are quite similar, as both languages are compiled to run on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Performance differences are typically negligible and should not be a primary consideration when choosing between the two languages.

Which language is better for cross-platform development, Kotlin vs Java?

For cross-platform development, Java's "write once, run anywhere" philosophy can be advantageous, as it allows you to use the same codebase across multiple platforms. However, if you are primarily targeting Android, Kotlin's native support and Android-specific features make it a strong choice.


The decision between Kotlin vs Java for your project in 2024 is not a one-size-fits-all choice. Both languages have their strengths and are suitable for different scenarios. Java, with its long history and mature ecosystem, remains a solid choice for existing projects and platforms beyond Android. On the other hand, Kotlin's modern features, enhanced developer productivity, and seamless integration with Android make it an excellent option for new Android app development.
Ultimately, your choice should be guided by your project's unique requirements, team expertise, budget, and long-term goals. Consider the factors mentioned in this article, and don't hesitate to mix and match languages if they serve your project's needs. Whichever language you choose, both Kotlin and Java are powerful tools in the ever-evolving world of software development. Make an informed decision, and your project is likely to thrive in 2024 and beyond.

Top comments (1)

khmarbaise profile image
Karl Heinz Marbaise

The support for smart casts exist in Java for a time...(accurate since JDK16):

void demo(Object x) {
  if (obj instanceof String s) {
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Or other examples of that:

if (obj instanceof String s && s.length() > 5) {
    flag = s.contains("jdk");
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Since JDK21 there are virtual threads... So I would say JDK21+ is a really good choice for a project in 2024...