DEV Community

Subhasish Kundu
Subhasish Kundu

Posted on • Originally published at

OSS Contributions: 16th-23rd August 2021

After a long time, I started contributing to open-source software. For a long time, I had my eye on Deno. This week, I merged my first PR in Deno Lint. Following is the detailed post about the issue.

Issue 425


Category: Refactoring

Description of the Issue

If we go through the issue, we could see that in the tests of each rule, there is a repeat of messages and hints. For example, from *\ from a previous commit, we can see that messages and hints are being repeated

    r#"// @ts-nocheck"#: [
              col: 0,
              message: DirectiveKind::Nocheck.as_message(),
              hint: DirectiveKind::Nocheck.as_hint(),
    r#"/// @ts-nocheck"#: [
              col: 0,
              message: DirectiveKind::Nocheck.as_message(),
              hint: DirectiveKind::Nocheck.as_hint(),
    r#"//@ts-nocheck"#: [
              col: 0,
              message: DirectiveKind::Nocheck.as_message(),
              hint: DirectiveKind::Nocheck.as_hint(),
    r#"// @ts-nocheck    "#: [
        col: 0,
        message: DirectiveKind::Nocheck.as_message(),
        hint: DirectiveKind::Nocheck.as_hint(),
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The test cases for each rule in Deno Lint could be grouped together based on common messages and hints. This issue talks about that. Macro assert_lint_err is responsible for running test cases.


In this commit, I have extended this macro with new rules, where we could use it to run multiple test cases with the same messages and hints. Following is the modified assert_lint_err macro. I have added two new rules, where we could group tests based on messages and hints.


  1. I did not know about Rust. I had to learn about macro_rules! to solve this issue. I have gotten interested in it. Let me see, how much I make progress.
  2. As this is the first time, I was contributing to Deno, I was not aware of all the formalities. Yusuke Tanaka from the Deno team helped me a lot. They have been very receptive and active. Their help has encouraged me to take up my new issue as well.
  3. This is not a challenge, but learning. I could not totally comprehend Rust-style styling. The reviewer pointed those out to me. From next time onwards, I have to be better with that.

Follow up

In this commit, I have covered and I need to cover other files as well. If someone reads this post and feels good to contribute, I would encourage them to do that 😀😀. Connect with me or anyone in Deno team for help/any questions. We will be happy to help.

I will write a detailed post on various aspects of Deno and Deno development and contributions in subsequent blog posts.

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