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Cover image for If use Jetpack compose don't use Shared Preference
Gianluca La Manna
Gianluca La Manna

Posted on

If use Jetpack compose don't use Shared Preference

I've recently been working with Jetpack Compose in a mobile project. If you don't know what it is, I suggest you watch this.

In all the apps I've developed, it is always required to save some information in the local memory, such as the user's preferences or username.

The Shared Preference seems to be the most correct choice in this case.
But if we use a Jetpack compose, we must not use them.

Use a DataStore ✨

In order to use DataStore correctly always keep in mind the following rules:

  1. Never create more than one instance of DataStore for a given file in the same process.

  2. The generic type of the DataStore must be immutable.

  3. Never mix usages of SingleProcessDataStore and MultiProcessDataStore for the same file.

More detail here

Differences between Shared Preference and DataStore

Following the main differences

Image description

If you interessed at Proto DataStore read this

Implementation 🧑🏻‍💻

First of all, add the following to your Gradle file

    implementation "androidx.datastore:datastore-preferences:1.0.0"

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Let’s create an instance of a data store for storing and fetching data

class StoreData(private val context: Context) {

    companion object {
        private val Context.dataStore: DataStore<Preferences> by preferencesDataStore("storeData")
        val USERNAME = stringPreferencesKey("store_Data")


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Create the methods fo read and write data into DataStore

val getData: Flow<String?> =
   .map { preferences ->
         preferences[USERNAME] ?: ""

suspend fun saveData(name: String) {
    context.dataStore.edit { preferences ->
        preferences[USERNAME] = name

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Remember: DataStore use Async API, so if you want call saveData use a kotlin's coroutine.

val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()

scope.launch {

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Use this function if you want check if the key is in store

   fun isKeyStored(key: Preferences.Key<String>): Flow<Boolean>  = {
                preference -> preference.contains(key)

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Sounds cool. But if you want save an object? A list for example? We need serialize the object.

I used the Gson library.

Add to your Gradle file

    implementation ''

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then create the instance of Gson and the methods for read and write

 private val gson: Gson = Gson()

 suspend fun saveData(name: List<DataObject>) {
        context.dataStore.edit { preferences ->
            val jsonString = gson.toJson(name)
            preferences[OBJECT] = jsonString

    val getData: Flow<List<DataObject>> =
        .map { preferences ->
            val jsonString = preferences[OBJECT] ?: ""
            gson.fromJson(jsonString, Array<DataObject>

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So if you want check if data is in store and get object, use this

if(dataStore.isKeyStored(stringPreferencesKey("store_Data")).collectAsState(initial = false).value) {
        dataStore.getData.collectAsState(initial = listOf(DataObject(x, y))).value.let {

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and that's all.

See ya 👋🏻
Thank you for reading ✨

Top comments (2)

hamid842 profile image
Hamid Mohamadi

Thanks for this article. I'm wondering how to use this into Jetpack compose?
I mean what can I pass to StoreData class as context/

kumaraish profile image

val context = LocalContext.current