Today I will show my personal favourite and best Visual Studio code extensions as a web dev.
1. Live Server
by Ritwick Dey
This is the VS Code extension I use the most. It can open a HTML file in the browser and it automatically reloads. But what's the best, that it creates a server, so you can do PHP, import libraries in JavaScript and more.
2. Prettier
by Prettier
Prettier is just a code formatter for JavaScript, TypeScript, Flow, JSX, JSON, CSS, SCSS, Less HTML, Vue, Angular, GraphQL, Markdown and YAML.
3. Bracket Pair Colorizer 2
by CoenraadS
This extension colorizes every bracket pair (as the name says).
4. Live Sass Compiler
Live Sass Compiler compiles/transpiles your SASS/SCSS to CSS with live browser reload.
by Ritwick Dey
5. Auto Rename Tag
It renames a pair of tags with multicursor.
by Jun Han
These were my personal 5 best Visual Studio Code Extensions. And sorry for the bad writing skills, but this is my first post! :P
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