DEV Community

Eric Davidson
Eric Davidson

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What decisions unexpectedly changed your life?

It seems like the most arbitrary decisions we make are the most likely to radically change everything. It's impossible to know how an action will impact your life, but it's always fun to look back and point out life changing choices, especially when they seemed so random and trivial at the time. The more we understand that any decision has the potential to impact our lives, the more prepared and encouraged we will feel as opportunities present themselves.

What is your example of a decision that changed everything?

Top comments (2)

cjbrooks12 profile image
Casey Brooks

Deciding to put my faith in Jesus when I went off to college was the big moment for me. That's the whole reason I'm a developer today!

I enrolled in college in Chemistry, but quickly felt led to change majors. Change to what? I didn't know, but I knew I wasn't supposed to be in Chemistry anymore, so I started checking out Chemical Engineering. A prerequisite to get in that program was a comp-sci course, an intro to OOP in Java, and that's where I fell in love with programming. The rest is history, and I give all credit to my God, who led me here without me knowing it!

thebuffed profile image
Eric Davidson

The example that comes to mind for me is randomly deciding to take a Computer Science class in high school. I had no real interest in the subject and considered choosing a different class until someone told me, "Don't take it, I've heard it's really hard. Just pick an easier one." That felt like a personal challenge, and taking that course became the foundation for what my life is like today.