DEV Community

Discussion on: 30 Docker Interview Questions to Ace DevOps Interview

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Anthony Bouvier

Late comment to an old article, but I'd just like to point something out.

DevOps != Docker, k8s, and so forth.

There's always this immediate jump when talking about DevOps to talk about containers, but containers don't answer everything and are mostly a different solution for the "infrastructure" side of DevOps. There's so much more to it, but the focus is always containers.

If I'm going to hire for a DevOps role, I'm going to ask questions about DevOps philosophy, lean principles, etc. The tech part is not the hard part of DevOps. Docker / k8s can be taught as long as someone is in the mindset of DevOps is what I care about.

I'm going to blow some minds here but you can do DevOps and never touch containers. 😲😲😲