DEV Community

Deborah Arthur
Deborah Arthur

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Girls Life/ Girls Involvement in Technology

Students participate in a Coding Session in Saint Lucia

Girls and technology, are two words never go together in the same sentence, unless it was a sentence that said girls can’t be involved in the field of technology. However, revolutionaries have changed the way things are done, over the years; millennials are seeing a great increase in the numbers of females in the field of technology. We should take a break and look at these. According to the Oxford Dictionary, technology is defined as scientific knowledge used in practical ways in industry. The Oxford Dictionary also defines a girl as a female child, a daughter, or a female worker.

Technology is said to be our future and taking over the world, guess who else is taking over the world? Girls! Everywhere you turn, you are going to find a lady at the top turning things around for good. Girls and technology are now two words that go together, and it’s not the sentence: “Girls can be involved in technology”!

Great news! Girls are the future and so is technology. More companies are opening their doors to females now, parents are also accepting that their daughters want to do it too, and kick ass while at it!

A wise man once said, what men can do, women can do better. This just goes to say girls can be great at tech just as much, if not better than their male counterparts. I’m sure we were all told the famous Kwegyir Aggrey “If you educate a man, you educate one person. If you educate a woman, you educate a nation.” His words come alive in the great work that some women with the passion for technology, who took their passion, worked hard at it and are excelling in their chosen fields. These women have made it their life purpose to train and groom young girls with a passion for tech to find their footing and excel in their various tech paths.

Empowering girls in technology

All of this news is amazing, but the work of these Superwomen as I like to call them still faces some opposition. Opposition from parents who still believe technology is no place for a girl or some companies that believe the girl can’t get the work done.

I get excited like a kid who has been given candy whenever I see a young girl saying she wants to get into technology, and even more excited like a young man driving on the Autobahn when she gets all the support she needs to see her passion come to fruition. The great work of a Superwoman like Miss Ivy Barley is making this happen, bridging the gender divide in the world of technology. Some great women are opening the doors and holding them open so more young girls can get into the room of technology, speak, and be heard in this room, ultimately leaving an indelible mark of positivity, success, and growth in the lives of all occupants of the room.

I desire that the gap in technology will be filled and girls can get into tech, even as the number of girls with an interest in pursuing technology-related fields is increasing exponentially. Oh, and when you get into the room, do open the door for a sister to get in and always.

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