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Testing React Hook State Changes

Andrew Givens on April 25, 2019

Edit (2020): I would recommend switching over to react-testing-library, and changing your testing approach to test how your component changes with ...
casconed profile image
Jason Moore

This is super helpful, thank you. Can you shed any light on why importing useState:

import React, { useState } from 'react'

and calling it on line 4 of FunctionalComponent.jsx as:

const [count, setCount] = useState(0)

breaks the test? Seems like the spy should still see that getting called?

theactualgivens profile image
Andrew Givens

Yup, so the issue is because we are spying on React.useState, which sets a spy on the default export from 'react'. Since you are pulling in useState as a named export, there is no spy on it.

I've messed around with mocking the named export, but it's not super straight forward. I've always done it using import * as Something from 'module';, but I can't seem to get that to work with react.

And if you mock the whole react module, you get some errors from enzyme.

Here are some of the sources I used when looking into this:

If you can figure it out, please let me know because I'm very interested :)
But it seems that just calling useState from React is the easiest way. To be honest, I don't see the point in importing useState as a named export when it's already included in the default export.

casconed profile image
Jason Moore

Great, thanks. I'll play around with it - we're using useState as a named export all over the place - wouldn't be a HUGE deal to convert but it'd be nice to figure out how to test as-is.

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squidsoup profile image
Kit Randel

Did you happen to find a solution?

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ppciesiolkiewicz profile image

to make it work with useState we would have to mock it using jest while keeping rest of react intact. jest.requireActual can be used to achieve that

import React, { useState as useStateMock } from 'react';

jest.mock('react', () => ({
  useState: jest.fn(),

describe('Test', () => {
  const setState = jest.fn();

  beforeEach(() => {
    useStateMock.mockImplementation(init => [init, setState]);

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jbolotin profile image
Jonah Bolotin

The following technique works well for me testing functional components with useState destructured. This is an adapted solution from that above because the mockImplementation above caused react-test-renderer tests to fail:

import * as React from 'react';

describe('Some message', () => {
    const setState = jest.fn();
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
    const useStateMock: any = (initState: any) => [initState, setState];

    afterEach(() => {

    it('Is a test where we want to mock useState', () => {
          jest.spyOn(React, 'useState').mockImplementation(useStateMock);
          const wrapper = shallow(<Component {...props} />);
          // trigger setState somehow
          // Other tests here
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This is typescript, but it should work just as well in JS if you remove the type annotations

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fredreis profile image

works fine for me

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brianle10680751 profile image
Brian Le

Thanks @Jonah, It works

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dhanvinarc profile image
Dhanvin Patel • Edited

How can we test this type of case with jest and enzyme?
const [open, setOpen] = useState(false);
const handleClose = () => {

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this handleClose is an onClick event

dotorimook profile image

How about testing for a component with multiple useStates?
Could you tell me how to detect each setState to be called?

istvandesign profile image
Istvan Fulop • Edited

Could you explain more exactly what does these do :

const setState = jest.fn();
const useStateSpy = jest.spyOn(React, 'useState')
useStateSpy.mockImplementation((init) => [init, setState]);

  1. How to set state with the mock implementation ?
  2. How to use with TypeScript ? What type should init have ?
  3. How to set multiple hooks set by useState ?
  4. How to mock a useState called by a promise ?
kevinding0218 profile image
Kevin Ding • Edited

Hi, thanks for sharing the tutorial! However, things might still not work for me, and I am not sure how did useStateSpy connected with the Enzyme.shallow(<TestComponent />); in your test case...

In addition, my wrapper by shallow turns out to be null, but when I use mount it can show me correct component.

tudormaerean profile image

How do you make this work when you set the state inside a useEffect?

For me it doesn't see the mocked setState function...

victor95pc profile image
Victor Palomo de Castro

If you guys wants a way that gives you full access to your react hooks's states and dispatchers without the pain to extract or modify your code.

You can use my library:

timurcatakli profile image
Timur Catakli

I am getting following error after npm install.

SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier

      1 | import React from 'react';
    > 2 | import setupMockStates from 'jest-react-hooks-mock';
        | ^
      3 | import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
juuuuuuuuuuuuuu profile image

how to get init state not using library ?

igokul777 profile image
Igor Ku • Edited

IMHO your approach is legit but describes a creation of brittle tests - you are trying to test implementation and not the behaviour: if you decide to eventually change implementation (use class component and the real setState method on it), your test will fail and you will have to adjust it accordingly, which should be avoided. On the other hand, I do not propose a solution, because Enzyme does not propose it - they still have to catch up with hooks. One may consider switching to React Testing Library if the hooks in the app are used extensively (I recently realised that there is no need for class components any longer given the hooks have been introduced a year ago) - it has much better support for hooks and is a React-recommended testing library. If, on the other hand, it is an application that extensively uses class components, then, I guess, one should not switch to hooks for the sake of having Enzyme continue a good job of testing the state values and not their implementation.
P.S. Actually testing a state in general is a bad idea - it is better to test what is being rendered, thereby completely focusing on the result and not implementation details, as well as making my above comments valid but obsolete and the problem non-existent :-)

juuuuuuuuuuuuuu profile image

Testing state change with hooks,
How to test init state ??

describe('init value, () => {
it('init value', () => {

This code doesn't pass.
please help me how to check init state!!

theactualgivens profile image
Andrew Givens

My recommendation for testing the initial state would just be test that React.useState is called with your initial state value.

johhansantana profile image
Johhan Santana

Is there a way to read the state value after you call the setState mock?

jigshgithub profile image

How to get actual value being set with setState in test this case value of 'count' ...let me put this way...when 'Count Up' test case being run, it updates state of count by 1, if I update wrapper, should I get


...and how can we test
dhanvinarc profile image
Dhanvin Patel

If state is changing on onClick function..than how can we test that?
const [disabled, setDisabled] = useState(true)
const addDomain = () => {
console.log("In function")
setDomains([, domain.trim()])

jayanthsaikiran profile image
Jayanth Saikiran

how do we modify the intial state value of a component in jest ?