Here are this week's questions :)
1) Number of Zero-Filled Subarrays
For a string of length 'n', no. of substrings that can be formed is equal to n * (n+1)/2
2) Design a Number Container System
Map data structure and try to understand how can we map index and number in an efficient way.
Using map to store the rows and then traversing column wise to increment the count if the same column is present as a row in map.
Idea is to use try to store all the words in it. So, when we want to determine the max length word whose all prefix are present in the dictionary, we just check for every prefix of that whether its present in the trie or not.
Link to Solution
Priority queue and map implementation question nothing much.
Trie problem, search word prefix
Sorting of words and using map.
8) Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)
Trie implementation Link to solution
Reversing the linked list using three pointers or using recursion.
Binary search problem
11) Add Two Numbers
Normal linked list implementation
12) Check if Matrix Is X-Matrix
Normal matrix question
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