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Piyush Chhabra
Piyush Chhabra

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The state of EdTech

In today's fast-paced world of technology and innovation, It's hard to escape the ever-growing craze surrounding edtech. From big tech companies to startups, or even one man with a big tech brand on his CV, everyone seems to be jumping on the bandwagon, selling courses to us as if it were the key to eternal success. But amidst the hype, one cannot help but wonder if these purveyors of knowledge are truly geniuses or just capitalizing on our insecurities.

Let's take a look at the current state of edtech and question the intelligence of those selling courses to us.

Unethical Marketing

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I have always seen flashy marketing tactics employed by these edtechs. They paint a rosy picture, promising that their courses will unlock doors to lucrative job opportunities and boundless success. These are just exaggerated claims, such as "Become a coding expert in just one week!" or "Master marketing in five simple steps!" It's hard not to roll your eyes at these lofty promises and wonder if they truly believe in their own sales pitch.

The EdTech Miracle

Oh, how influencers have mastered the art of packaging their courses under the trendy label of "edtech." They've learned the lingo, thrown around buzzwords like "hack," "masterclass," and "accelerator," making their courses sound like the Holy Grail of education. But when you dig deeper, you may find that their content is nothing more than a mishmash of readily available information from a Google search. It's like putting lipstick on a pig - it might look fancy, but it's still a pig.

The Testimonials That Raise Eyebrows

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Ah, testimonials - the influencers' secret weapon. They parade their carefully curated success stories, showcasing individuals who claim to have gone from rags to riches after taking their course. But here's the funny part: have you ever wondered if those testimonials are genuine? Or are they simply fabrications to boost the influencer's credibility? You decide.


People selling courses unethically under the umbrella of edtech is a dubious trend that has infiltrated the digital education space. While we've approached this topic with a hint of humor and satire, it is important to be discerning when considering such courses. Before investing your time, money, and trust, do your research, look beyond the influencer façade, and seek genuine educators who prioritize ethical content delivery.

Remember, education should empower and uplift, rather than serve as a means for self-promotion. So, arm yourself with skepticism and a discerning eye, and let's keep the humor alive while calling out the shady side of edtech.

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