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Top 10 Bug Report Templates - An Ultimate List

A well-structured and comprehensive bug report is crucial for efficient debugging and issue resolution. It provides developers with the necessary information to identify, reproduce, and fix software bugs effectively. However, crafting a good bug report from scratch can be time-consuming and prone to missing important details.

In this blog, I will explain ultimate list of the bug report templates. These templates will simplify and streamline the process of reporting software defects, ensuring that your bug reports are clear, comprehensive, and effective.

What is a Bug Report Template?

A Bug Report Template is a structured document that provides framework to users or testers for reporting software or system bugs. It serves as a standardized format for capturing essential information about the issue, such as steps to reproduce, expected and actual results, environment details, and any relevant attachments or screenshots.

By using a bug report template, you can ensure that all necessary information is provided, making it easier for developers to understand, investigate, and resolve the issue efficiently.

What Makes a Good Bug Report Template?

For making a good bug report, you need to make sure, you add all the necessary information right from the clear bug summary to proper steps for reproducing the bug.There is no fixed template which is followed by every oragnization but there is a standardized format which is considered to be a base line for a bug report template.

Here are some helpful tips which makes a good bug template:

Make the Title Informative:

Add a short but meaningful title that introduces the bug and explains how it affects the app. Instead of a simple "Website not working," you could use something like "Website Freezes When 'Submit' Button on Payment Page is Pressed."

Steps to Reproduce the Issue:

Add the detailed instructions to recreate the bug, assuming the reader has never used the app before. Describe the actions, inputs, and expected outcomes.

_For example: _

  1. Open the app.
  2. Navigate to Settings.
  3. Click 'Save' without entering any data. Expected: Validation error Actual: App crashes.


Attach screenshots, images, or even short videos to visually demonstrate the bug. This helps developers quickly understand the problem and aids in precise diagnosis.

Environment Specifications:

Include relevant information about your device, operating system, browser versions. These details help developers recreate the bug in the same environment where you encountered it.

Expected vs. Actual Behavior:

Clearly explain what you thought should happen versus what actually occurred. This highlights the gap between what you expected and the reality.

Impact and Priority:

Indicate the bug's severity and how it affects the user experience. Label it as critical, major, minor, or similar categories to help developers prioritize and address it efficiently.

Additional Information:

Provide any extra details that could be helpful, such as user account information, network conditions, or other related bugs. Keep your notes concise yet comprehensive to provide a fuller context.

These components collectively form a comprehensive bug report that helps developers understand, troubleshoot, and resolve issues effectively.

Bug Tracking Report Template

Bug tracking report play a crucial role in software development as it helps to identify, track, and resolve software bugs efficiently. To ensure consistency and inclusion of all the neccessary information, effective bug template should be followed.

Below are the components which makes an effective bug report template:

Bug ID:

Every bug should have a unique identifier for easy reference.

Assignee Name:

Pass the assignee name, who is raising the bug.This facilitates further communication if clarification is required.

Bug Description:

Add bug description in few lines.This quick overview helps developers quickly grasp the issue.

Steps to reproduce abug:

Detailed instructions to reproduce the bug.

Environment and Configuration:

Similar to the bug report template, document the environment details where the bug was observed.

Attached Files:

Provide links or attachments to relevant files like screenshots, videos, or logs.

Status and Priority:

Track the bug's lifecycle – open, assigned, in progress, resolved, closed – and assign a priority based on its impact.

Agile Bug Tracking Template

Agile Bug Tracking is a method used by software development teams to keep track of issues, glitches, or 'bugs' in their projects. It's all about being flexible and efficient in managing these bugs as the project progresses. Instead of waiting until the end to fix everything, Agile teams address issues as they come up, making the process smoother and reducing the chances of a bug explosion at the last minute.

Remember, the key to Agile Bug Tracking is addressing bugs as they come up, rather than waiting for them to pile up. This template will help you stay on top of things and deliver a smoother, bug-free software experience to your users.

Below is the sample template for an effective Agile bug tracking, You can also tweak it according to your team's needs. It's all about making bug tracking easier and more effective in your Agile development journey.

Image description

1. Bug Description:

Explain the bug in simple terms. Add enough details so developer and PM knows what is the exact issue.

Example: Clicking the "Submit" button on the registration page leads to an error message instead of confirming the registration.

2. Steps to Reproduce:

Mention the exact steps needed to make the bug appear. This helps developers reproduce the issue, making it easier to fix.


Go to the registration page.
Enter valid user details.
Click on the "Submit" button.

3. Expected and Actual Result:

For Expected Result, Describe what is the expected behaviour.

Example: User should receive a confirmation message and be redirected to the home page.

For Actual Result, Actual Outcome:
Explain what actually happened due to the bug.

Example: An error message pops up, saying "Internal Server Error," and the user remains on the registration page.

4. Priority and Severity:

Assign a priority (how urgently it needs fixing) and a severity (how much it impacts the user experience).

Example: Priority - High, Severity - Major (since it prevents user registration)

5. Status:

When you work in agile, it’s important to keep track of whether the bug is in the fixing process or not.It helps you in estimating the sprint work.


Any additional notes, updates, or discussions related to the bug.

Example: The bug seems to be related to a database connection issue.

Bug Tracking by Feature Template

The Bug Tracking by Feature Template is a way to streamline the process of tracking and managing software bugs based on the specific features or components of a software application. This template provides a standardized format for documenting bugs in a way that relates them to the particular functionalities or areas of the software where they occur.

The Bug Tracking by Feature Template offers several advantages, including improved bug organization, efficient bug fixing, and clearer communication among team members. By categorizing bugs according to the specific features they relate to, developers can allocate resources more effectively, prioritize bug fixes, and enhance the overall quality of the software.

In this template, each bug report is linked with a particular feature.This allows for a more targeted and organized approach to addressing and resolving bugs, as developers can focus on specific areas of the codebase. The Bug Tracking by Feature Template typically includes fields that capture essential information about each bug, such as:

Feature Name:

The name of the feature or component where the bug was found.

Bug Title:

A brief and descriptive title that summarizes the bug.


A clear and simple explanation of what the bug is and how it affects the software.

Steps to Reproduce:

Detailed instructions on how to recreate the bug, enabling developers to replicate it.

Expected Result:

What the software should do if the bug wasn't present.

Actual Result:

What actually happens due to the bug.

Bug's Impact:

A rating of the bug's severity or impact on a predefined scale.

Reporter's Name:

The person who identified and reported the bug.

Discovery Date:

The date when the bug was initially identified.


Add attachments like screenshots, videos, or code snippets that help in debugging the bug.

Bug & Issue Tracking Template

A Bug & Issue Tracking Template serves as the central hub for all bug-related activities in your project. It promotes collaboration among team members, enhances communication, and ensures no bug falls through the cracks. Here’s how this template can benefit your development process:

Bug & Issue Tracking Template Structure

Bug & Issue Tracking Template consists of several key factors to facilitate efficient bug management:

1. Bug Details

Title :

A concise and descriptive details that summarizes the issue.


A clear and detailed explanation of the bug, including steps to reproduce it.


Attach relevant screenshots that visually illustrate the bug.

2. Bug Classification


Assign a severity level (e.g., low, medium, high, critical) to indicate the bug's impact.


Determine the bug's priority (e.g., low, medium, high) based on its urgency and importance.

3. Assignee & Status


Mention the assignee name so that developer can reach out to that person for any clarifications related to the bug.


Track the bug's progress through various stages (e.g., reported, in progress, resolved, verified).

4. Other Details


Specify the environment in which the bug was encountered (e.g., operating system, browser, version).


Attach relevant files, logs, or documents to provide additional context. Using the Bug & Issue Tracking Template

Priority Bug & Issue Tracking Board Template

In any project, not all bugs are created equal. Some bugs can be mere annoyances, while others have the potential to bring the project to a screeching halt. That’s where prioritization comes in. Prioritizing bugs helps your team focus on what matters most.

Why Do You Need a Priority Bug & Issue Tracking Board Template?

Focus on What Matters:

Allocate resources to the most crucial issues and prevent minor bugs from distracting your team.

Enhance Communication:

Everyone can instantly grasp the status of each bug, reducing confusion and encouraging collaboration.

Fast-Track Resolutions:

Address high-priority bugs swiftly, keeping the project on track and stakeholders satisfied.

Data-Backed Decisions:

Spot trends in bug occurrence and severity to make informed improvements in your development process.

Below are the key components of the Bug & Issue tracking Template:

Bug Identification:

Team members report bugs, assign priorities, and add them to the appropriate column.

Resolution Workflow:

Developers tackle bugs based on their priority, moving them across columns as they progress.

Quick Updates:

Regularly update the board to ensure transparency and encourage accountability.


Raising a bug with all the necessary details helps developers to resolve it quickly and also helps the team to understand about the issue with screenshots and environments. It is very important for QA to raise bug in a proper template because it not only saves your time but provides clarity to the person reading and working on fixing it.

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