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Pernilla Wigh
Pernilla Wigh

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Embracing the Learning Journey!

Hello there, lovely souls! Today, I woke up with a heart full of excitement. Guess what? I've sailed through 28% of my learning voyage on Scrimba. As I take a stroll down the memory lane of this summer's learning, it's a joyful realization—so much progress under the sun!

HTML5 Exploration: Navigating the Web's Backbone

  1. Structure and Semantics: Ever wondered how to give your webpage the perfect structure and meaning? Well, I did too! I've delved into semantic HTML and got cozy with elements like header, nav, and more. They're like puzzle pieces that give structure and significance to the content.
  2. Forms and Interaction: Forms, oh my! I've danced with form elements and their buddies like input, select, and more. Now I can confidently handle user interactions and gather data like a pro.
  3. Multimedia Moments: Pictures speak a thousand words, right? I've learned the art of inserting and managing multimedia elements like img, audio, and video. It's like adding spices to a recipe! An imaginative scene displaying multimedia icons as celestial bodies - film reels as planets, musical notes as stars, and headphones as lunar phases.
  4. Semantic Symphony: Let's get fancy with semantics! By using semantic elements, my web content is not just organized but also more accessible for everyone, including those with different abilities.
  5. Links and Exploration: Navigating the web is an adventure, and I've got my compass—a elements! With proper URL structuring, I'm confidently cruising through cyberspace.

CSS Chronicles: Crafting Visual Delights

  1. Syntax and Styling: Imagine a world where you can style your HTML elements. Well, I've entered that realm! Selectors and style rules are my brushes, and I'm painting the web in my colors.
  2. Box Model Magic: Padding, margin, border—these terms might sound strange, but I've learned how they shape the size and placement of HTML elements. It's like arranging furniture in a room!
  3. Layout Land: Float, position, flexbox—I've explored different techniques to create web layouts that are visually captivating and responsive. It's like arranging a digital puzzle.
  4. Colors and Backgrounds: Just as a painter selects their palette, I've learned to choose colors and background properties to create eye-catching and readable web pages.
  5. Pseudo-powered Styling: Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements, oh my! They add a touch of enchantment to specific interactions, like hovering or clicking.
  6. Smooth Transitions: Transitions and animations are like adding a dash of magic to your web page. I've grasped the art of creating smooth movements using CSS-transition and keyframes.
  7. Flexible Flexbox: Flexbox—a flexible layout model that makes creating complex layouts a breeze. It's like crafting a web of interconnected elements.

JavaScript Journeys: From Novice to Knowledgeable

  1. Variables and Datatypes: The world of JavaScript variables is no longer a mystery to me! With var, let, and const, I've declared my data kingdom. Strings, numbers, booleans, and objects are now my companions.
  2. Operator Orchestra: Mathematical operations, logical comparisons—I've mastered the art of these symbols. They're the building blocks of my code symphony.
  3. Control Craftsmanship: If-statements, switches, loops—I'm now the maestro of program flow. I've learned how to orchestrate the perfect coding melody.
  4. Function Fundamentals: Functions are like secret recipes. I can now cook up code that's reusable, neat, and efficient. Plus, I've mastered the art of scope!
  5. Object Odyssey: Objects and classes—meet my coding companions! They're the characters in my digital story. I've dabbled in object-oriented programming and created my cast of digital friends.
  6. Array Adventures: Arrays are like treasure chests. With methods like push, pop, and more, I've unlocked their secrets to storing, fetching, and transforming data.
  7. DOM Dancing: Ah, the Document Object Model—where HTML meets JavaScript. I've tapped into its power to interact with HTML content, styles, and attributes.
  8. Event Exploration: Interactions galore! I've learned how to listen to events like clicks, hovers, and keypresses. It's like throwing a party for user actions!

And that's not all, my friends. I've ventured into the realms of Visual Studio Code, GitHub, Netlify, CodePen, Figma, Canva, and even Krita (I'm also working on my Firebase fluency). But you know what's even more exciting? I've embraced the world of blogging, cracked the code of Discord, and tamed the Twitter bird—X marks the spot!

Each of these discoveries was born from a single summer's journey. There's so much more to explore, and I can't wait to dive deeper into the world of coding. If you're on a learning journey too, I'd love to hear your stories! Let's share the joy of discovery and keep this learning adventure alive.

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