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💖One of the most enjoyable session that I have gone through. In
the session APIs 101 Using Postman I learnt what is an API? what are Requests and Responses? and mainly the best part I ever liked is HANDS-ON-EXPERIENCE using public workspace ( apart from all these I built my confidence✔, that I can learn new and adapt to new platform and technology easily😍.

     👌 What is an API? 👌
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🚩an excellent way that I learned the definition of API is unexplainable, because I got bored and irritated by the regular definition and reading what is printed in textbook, without Realtime examples by the college faculty. Here, In the session I have seen a different way of learning.

💥API is the acronym for Application Programming Interface, which is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other. Each time you use an app like Facebook, send an instant message or check the weather on your phone, you're using an API.

💚API is like a WAITER in A DIGITAL RESTAURANT as we(#CLIENT) give order to the waiter as @REQUEST and he goes to the kitchen(#SEREVR) and brings that prepared, delicious order back us as @RESPONSE. (Best Real-Time Example) and There is an API for every application and API makes the software loosely coupled.

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👉POSTMAN, It is an GUI application alternate to CURL command with many services that makes the developer work easy and saves a lot of time. POSTMAN is collaborative API development platform that simplifies creating, using, and testing APIs with a UI. Requests and Responses are the main part and coming to the REQUEST it contain 3 parts they are: I)Parameters, II)Authorization, III)Headers and body and RESPONSE contain I)Status Codes II)Headers III)Accessing body data.

👉I learnt how to FORK the public-workspace to my workspace and worked on endpoints/path like /joke, /quotes, /book. By reading the API document learnt different types of API in the give endpoint link i.e., and learned about different types of requests and their uses.

    Use GET Request to retrieve the information.
    Add POST Request to add your own information.
    Add PUT Request to update your information.
    Add DELETE Request to delete the data you added. 
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worked on making requests for JOKE API using /joke path and initially GET request to get the content and POST request using JSON body posted new jokes and using PUT request modified/updated the old data in the database and learnt that using POST request we can not only send data database but we can send to collections, arrays and many more. And using DELETE request deleted the data from the database using ID.

JSON format that I learned
"id": "1",
"author": "Shiva Kumar",
"joke": "Bugs are features",
"source": ""

I learnt about
methods,addresses,parameters,authorization,bodydata.In authorization and authentication POSTMAN provides better security for the every request we generate and there will continuous monitering of the data and request.In parameter and path variable we used (?id) and bu changing it's value and based on the path(/joke, /quote, /book)I got different responses. I observed all those reponses cleary with status codes.I got 404 Not found also once and sourav bera sir helped in the resolving it.I added many jokes by changing different ID’s.

I conclude that I learnt many new things like from basics like what is request, response, JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) etc. I am the person who bored of college lectures liked the way of presenting the information is too good. Really, I enjoyed the session a lot. I thank Postman ITER Community for providing such a wonderful, informative session.

PostmanStudent #PostmanAPI

Top comments (1)

valiahavryliuk profile image
Valia Havryliuk

Great article, thanks for sharing! And please, take a look at our PandaDoc API collection in Postman