DEV Community

Discussion on: 4 JavaScript Projects To Build FAST And Get Hired In 1 Month

terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

Within 10 hours, you should build a single-page application using a framework that you've never used before. It has to be responsive, look good/decent, and deployed onto a hosting service.

It takes me more than 10 hours with frameworks I'm familiar with πŸ˜‚

manvendrask profile image
Manvendra Singh


standiki profile image
Stanley Diki • Edited

This could be because you are comfortable with the already known framework all you think is how can you add synthetic sugar to it to make it more elegant so that takes time. On the other hand, since it's a new framework you just wanna build something out of it and learn new stuffs. πŸ˜„

devpool3000 profile image

Remember to keep is simple tho πŸ˜…

But let's say you may need 15 or 20 hours. You could implement some interesting visuals components like graph with some data (and this is just an idea).

aisone profile image
Aaron Gong

probably 10 hours mostly copy-pasta

rahullokanathan profile image

Its very simple, dont move fast move correctly. A timetable for each concepts can make you familiar with all the topicsl.

diogoppedro profile image
Diogo Pacheco Pedro

Init!! I know same here LOL

mariog8 profile image
Mario Golik • Edited

I agree... Haste in this matter should be the least recommended ...πŸ˜…

  • "Haste makes waste"
arrofirezasatria profile image
Arrofi Reza Satria • Edited

Especially if the front end didnt have design before,.. I could make it a week. :-X

nickseagull profile image
Nick Tchayka

Yeah, I feel you. It's funny how nowadays frontend takes more time than backend. Literally can make a backend in 30mins with Booster Framework, spend 9hrs and a half making the front and not finish the project 🀣

httpjunkie profile image
Eric Bishard

Yes, but I think this is more because standards for front end, responsiveness, accessibility, interactiveness have all become easier to create support for and expected in modern applications. In order to do a lot of this stuff 10 years ago was very difficulty.

I'll take modern development over the old school browser war days when JavaScript was less capable.